(Exodus 2:14) And he said, Who made you a prince and a judge - TopicsExpress


(Exodus 2:14) And he said, Who made you a prince and a judge over us? do you intend to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known. And so, 40 year old Moses became a fugitive, exiled to the backside of the desert ... but that is not the end of his story. God used Moses life to paint a picture of Jesus Christ, our Deliverer. He was chosen by God to deliver the children of Israel from the oppression of Egypt ... as Jesus Christ was sent by the Father to save us from our sin. But the Hebrews rejected him ... as they also did to our Lord Jesus, and nailed him to the cross. Moses was a murderer...Jesus died on the cross in a murderers place. Moses left Egypt and gained a Gentile bride ... Jesus died, rose from the dead, ascended to Heaven, and sent the Holy Ghost back to gain His Bride, the Church. Moses answered Gods call at the age of about 80 years old ... Jesus said, Yes, to the Father when He was only 12. When Moses showed up in Egypt for the second time, the Hebrews accepted their deliverance through him ... as Israel will accept our Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah at His Second Coming. When I need encouragement as a preacher of the gospel, I often turn to Moses life. Two things that comfort me: first, God didnt call him until he was at the age that most people think of as the end of life. Far from being the end, eighty years old saw Moses leave the familiar, and start a journey into the unknown ... following, as God dictated every step. Whenever I think its too late ... too late to start something new ... too old for learning ... things like that, I remember that Moses had forty more years of leadership ahead of him when he accepted the call of God. And, God made sure that he had all the resources he needed, including life, health and strength. Age doesnt matter ... because it is not by our power or our strength, but by the Spirit of God working through us. The other encouraging thing about Moses is that he was a murderer. I have not killed anyone ... but I am guilty of other things ... sometimes that guilt makes me feel unqualified. And, sometimes people cant help but to point out that I dont measure up to the last minister that they knew ... or, I see myself falling short of loving people, dying to my self, and suffering for the gospels sake ... thats when I need Moses example ... how God used a murderer (and never held it against him). It is God who sets the standard for service, He is the only one to set down the qualifications for any office in the Body of Christ ... the gifts and calling of God are independent of repentance on our part or Gods. I can finish the course God has set for me, because it is by grace that I am saved, and I can do all things through Christ who strenthens my heart for every task. So, to answer the question of the verse, Who made you ... ? ... God makes us ... whether it be prince, judge, prophet, pastor, teacher, healer, encourager, worshipper, daughter or son of the living God ... if Gods grace was sufficient for Moses, then it is sufficient for every one of us. We just need to pray more fervently to the God who is No Respecter of Persons. What He has done for one, He will do for ALL. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 18:28:54 +0000

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