Expanding your Awareness & Understanding Your Power = Our - TopicsExpress


Expanding your Awareness & Understanding Your Power = Our Collective Power. 1. I want as many people to fully realize the inner - power we have as soon as possible. 2. Know that this power is energetically SQUARED (not multiply) when more than one person get together with the same thoughts & intentions for the highest good of all. 3. Certain mediations can increase & and magnify this power tremendously. 4. There are ways to charge yourself and the energy. There are ways to draw and direct/redirect energy. You can store energy in your body, anchor energy thru your body and etc....Your physical body is a magnificent creation. 5. There are many sources available for you to draw energy from. These sources want to help you help us. They make themselves readily available. Some of them are crystals, trees, elementals, Angels, Starships, the sun, stars and etc.... Many of them are like antennas for Cosmic Energy. 6. Thought/intention energy first work on the etheric realm, then onto the physical realm. 7. Keeping your clear thoughts, clear focus, and balanced bod(ies) help your energy stabilizes. If not, youll feel like being pulled apart in many directions. You can let go of un.wanted stuffs to harmonize your energy and your body. 8. With our thoughts & intentions, we have the power of creation and un.creation....that is both imaginable and un.imaginable. We co-created many illusions, then we can un.create them. This is the reason why the controllers constantly distract us with all of stuffs, keeping us too busy to figure things out, too busy awaken=dis.empower us. They want us to be dependent on outer-authority for everything. They fear us because we are the 99%. The controllers are the few. They know we are creators and co-creators who simply forgotten about the collective power. (Note: Many illusions were created by us because our Free Will was influenced, shaped, and conditioned. Also we have been under mind-control and all kind of attacks since birth) Until we have Disclosure & Mass Landing of Starships, until we become fully-conscious Galactic Beings in a Galactic Society, and until we fully realize that our Essence is Divine....Keep Ascending.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 01:23:08 +0000

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