Expect Preferential Treatment Author: Jerry Savelle There are - TopicsExpress


Expect Preferential Treatment Author: Jerry Savelle There are so many people who don’t expect good things to happen to them. In fact, some people get mad at me because I’m too positive and expect favor all the time. When you have something revealed to you from the Word of God, it causes you to become positive. When you understand just how much favor and honor you’ve already been given by God through Jesus, you’ll have a positive attitude. John 12:26 (NIV) says, “My Father will honour the one who serves me.” If you’ve chosen to serve Jesus, then Jesus Himself said My Father will honour you. Hallelujah! When you’re honoured by someone, you receive preferential treatment. Ask that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened, that you see the favour and honour that God has already given you in Jesus. Ask Him to reveal to you things from the Word of God that will cause you to become more expectant of honour and preferential treatment. Expect good things to happen to you today. Confession: I am growing in revelation knowledge regarding the favour and honour that is already mine because I serve Jesus. A Word to the Wise Written by Gloria Copeland Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock (Matt. 7:24-25). For years now Ive been telling people to spend time in the Word. Almost everywhere I preach, no matter what topic Im talking about, it seems I always get back to the importance of putting the Word first place in my life. You may have heard me say it a hundred times. But you know, hearing it isnt enough. Its doing it that will give you success. Jesus taught us that principle in Matthew 7. There He told about two men. Both of them had heard the Word, yet Jesus said one of the men was foolish and the other wise. What made the difference between the two? The wise man acted on what he heard and the foolish man didnt. You may know full well that you need to spend time in the Word. But unless you act on that knowledge, it wont do you any good when the storms of life come. So take action! Begin now to set aside time for the Word each day. Begin now making it the number one priority on your schedule. Dont wait until youre faced with some terrible situation or some storm of life to do it. Have you ever tried to build a house in a storm? Ken has been through several hurricanes, and he has seen the wind blow so hard that coconuts shot through the air like cannonballs. Just think about some poor fellow out there trying to build his house with the wind blowing at 120 mph! Dont do that. Dont wait until youre desperate to make time for the Word. Make the decision and start today. Then, when the storms of life come against your house, youll be sitting inside in front of the fireplace just rocking and praising God. Youll be glad that you didnt let the devil talk you into being too busy for the Word. Speak the Word: I am a wise man because I hear Gods words and I do them. (Matt. 7:24) What Have You Heard About Jesus? Written by Deborah Butler When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment (Mark 5:27). I want you to think very carefully about this question: What have you heard about Jesus? Do you know that what we hear is in direct relation to what we say? Thats why its important for us to watch what we hear. Verse twenty-seven says, When she heard of Jesus, she went about to touch him. Now, again, what have you heard? And are you touching Jesus or are you reaching out to touch the world? The word touch means to attach oneself to or come in contact with. In other words, when she heard of the works of Jesus - that He was the healer - she attached herself to that word. Now, I believe we should super glue ourselves to Gods Word. Some of us have come in contact with the Word but we havent truly attached ourselves to it. This woman heard all the things Jesus did for the people, and she attached herself to the Word of God by saying something. Now, here is another question: What are you saying? First, this woman heard and then she said repeatedly, if I attach myself to Him I will be healed; if I attach myself to Him I will be healed. When she touched Him that issue of blood had to stop. The Bible said it dried up. In other words, it couldnt exist anymore. Any sickness or disease that comes up against the anointing of the Word has to die. When Satan tries to throw symptoms at you, tell him, Oh no, that has to go! But we get tripped up when the symptoms dont go immediately. Remember, symptoms start in your head first, so you can take authority over them and attack them with the Word of God - eventually they have to go because they cant stay. Sometimes we say, Well I guess it didnt work. What didnt work? What are you listening to? Havent you heard that Jesus is the healer? He doesnt want you sick. What are you saying? Dont accept the lies of the devil. Attach yourself to the Word of God. As believers, you and I cant just passively accept sickness. We have to do something when symptoms of sickness and disease show up. So, guard what you hear. Say what the Word of God says about your healing. Attach yourself to the Word. And remember God wants you to walk in divine health. A Healthy Dose of Love Written by Gloria Copeland Love...is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it - pays no attention to a suffered wrong (1 Cor. 13:4-5, AMP). Walking in love is good for your health. Did you know that? Its true! Medical science has proven it. Researchers have discovered that hostility produces stress that causes ulcers, tension headaches and a host of other ills. Now when you think of hostility, you may think of the type of anger you feel when something serious happens. But according to the experts, that kind of thing isnt what causes the worst problems. Its the little things: when the dry cleaners ruin your favorite outfit, for example. Or when the cafeteria lady puts gravy on your mashed potatoes after youve specifically told her not to. Sound familiar? Just think how much stress you could avoid by being quick to forgive, by living your life according to 1 Corinthians 13 and not counting up the evils done to you. Imagine physical and emotional benefits of living like that! If youve allowed yourself to be habitually bound by hostility, that may sound like an impossible dream, but its not! Because as a born-again believer, you have the love of God inside of you. If youll yield to that love, it will set you free. Remember when Jesus called Lazarus forth from the grave? He was alive but still bound in the grave clothes. Jesus commanded the bindings to be loosed so that Lazarus could be free to walk. Jesus wants that same kind of freedom for you. So, get into agreement with Him. Say to those deadly habits that have you bound, In the Name of Jesus, loose me and let me go! Im putting hostility, unforgiveness and selfishness behind me. Im going on with God. Im going to live the life of love! Remember: It doesnt take a medical miracle to turn your life around. All it takes is a decision to yield to the force of love. Do it today! 2014: The Year of God’s Favour Father, I receive and declare your favour in my life today. I am the righteousness of God and I am entitled to covenant kindness and covenant favour. I thank You for your favour surrounding me like a shield everywhere I go, in everything I do, and with everyone I meet. I expect good things to happen in my life because Your divine favour is upon me. Your favour in my life is immeasurable, limitless and profusely abounds towards me. Father, thank You that Your special favour produces supernatural increase, promotion, restoration, honour, increased assets, greater victories, prominence, recognition, preferential treatment, petitions granted, policies and rules changed, and battles won in which I do not have to fight. Your spotlight of favour is on my life now. Thank You for causing Your face to shine upon me and giving me an abundance of favour with You and with man. This is my year of favour, in Jesus Name. Amen! Rev. Paul C. Wilson Associate Pastor New Covenant Ministries Church Phone: 902 468-9673 Fax: 902 468-9454 NewCovenantChurch.ca
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 10:24:35 +0000

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