Experience story Myself Balpreet Kaur(cherry). Basically i - TopicsExpress


Experience story Myself Balpreet Kaur(cherry). Basically i am from Punjab but now i am in Australia. I would like to say thanks to sai baba who always helped me in every step of my life.I would like to share my story with you.As many Miracle happened in my life.I passed the ilets exam in 2009 and planned to go to uk for higher study as it was my dream to go there.I applied times but couldnt get visa.I was very upset i was from middle class family who was struggling for money.I was crying one day and them my mum advised me to pray to sai baba as she told me that when she was newly married she saw sai bhabuti at home.As we are from sikg religion but i thought god is one.So i prayed for sai baba for 1 month and applied for visa in australia.On thrusday i got a phone call from my agent that i got visa.I was very happy as i wanted to help my family in their hard times.It was the first time in my life when i was goin g to new place without them.I came to australia in May 2009 but could nt get any job as well as any support here then i planned to go back to India after 3 months.My mom started crying as then spend lac on me.But next day i got up at 4 am and prayed to sai baba i was in melboune and i was living in sharing but noone helped me to get job.I still remember the day i put someone reference to get job here and the girl she was not happy with me and abused me and told that you dont know any rules and regulations here.I did talk with my mom and she advised me to pray to sai baba who always helps his kids.I was praying to sai baba then after 2hours i got a phone call for job i was very happy.it was the factory job and i earned only 28 dollar for 10 hours but still i was happy.After 1 week i realised that i was nurse in India and here i am doing packing job then i planned to apply for carer job.I applied many places but they asked me to get reference but could not get any reference as some people refused me to put the reference.I said to sai baba to help me then i got a phone call an di got home carer job without any reference.Then suddenly i got 4 jobs within month.My parents were very happy.As i came to do community welfare here but in 2010 immigration dep changed the rules that forTR in this course students need to get 7 score I was in big problem on that time bacause the people who was in cooker or hairdressing course also applied for TR.Then one girl advised me to apply for TR without ilets band but i said no.I was very depreesed that how i will extend my visa and was thinking that even i am much much better than other people in study but y i cant do anything.Then i thought to read sai baba chalisa atleast 5 times a day.I got a phone call from my friend that you can apply for TR but u need to acheieve 6 score in ilets.I Prayed to sai baba and with 3 weeks first time i got 6.5 score in ilets and applied for TR.But i have strong beleive to sai even at work i used to pray for him.I prayed to him even i wanted to move from melbourne but because of some circumstances i lived there years.But i used to pray daily and always touch with 2 words from sai Patience and beleive.Then i prayed to sai baba and i within my TR visa i got admision in nursing.I was scaring to work as RN in melbourne and was worrying abt my PR.But then i saw for NSW sponsorship and got my visa and moved here.It took some times but with sai blessing mostly i acheived my st goals.As in life we always want something new everyday we have new demands.I am happy with sai every decision.Even i was thinking that why i am facing so many problems but now i realised that there was reason behind this.I am still thinking the day when i was new i put someone ref for job and alot of things but now people ask me to put my reference for jobs .I think this is miracle in my life.Si chnaged my life he always help me .I know sai u dont have control on death .I wants to say thanks to sai as well as my mom they both showed me right direction in life.Unfortunately i lost my mom last year but sai told me that he is here to fill her place.He always does.I wants to say to [people that respect others dont jealous from sai children Sai i need ur blessing always in my bad or good times .Time always change but we should have patience and beleive in sai and he will definately help us .Thanks sai baba om sai ram. Thanks SAI my world
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 06:12:43 +0000

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