Explaining death of a loved one to under-tens is NOT easy. My - TopicsExpress


Explaining death of a loved one to under-tens is NOT easy. My three little ones are in the throes of trying to understand what happened to their grandfather lovingly nicknamed Jaja-Boy aka Jaja-Doctor. Isnt Jaja-Boy feeling cold in his coffin? Why dont we bring his jumper or sweater to warm him up? Kato asked. And wont leaving him out in that tiled hole for the night give him a cold or fever? Wasswa asked. Baraka my first born daughter had remarked the evening before we got news about my fathers passing that she had never attended a funeral. I brushed her remark aside. When a person dies does he go away forever? Kato futher asked. He goes to heaven, said Wasswa my older twin son aged seven. Shall we see Jaja-boy flying up to heaven with angel wings? Kato the younger twin retorted. No, said Baraka. His body remains in the coffin but his spirit goes up to heaven. His body remains. Do you mean that my body remains in my skin but my spirit goes to heaven? Kato asked again. Does the spirit leave my skin and it goes to heaven? Does my spirit get out of me immediately I die so that it goes to heaven? Kato asked some more. If he goes to hell does he feel the pain in his body or does the spirit feel the pain? Wasswa asked. But when he is in heaven can he see us here on earth? Kato asked again. But does his body rot? And when he rots does his suit become smelly and something yackey? Baraka asked. Mama will we see Jaja-doctor ever again? The questions are plenty and unending. I am doing my best to answer them as honestly as I can. But many of their questions are my own unanwered questions...
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:08:08 +0000

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