Extract from my book Free Yourself and Live. This book is out of - TopicsExpress


Extract from my book Free Yourself and Live. This book is out of print but you can order a copy for only 5 euros by sending me a msg BEAT YOUR FEARS! The thought manifests as the word; The word manifests as the deed; The deed develops into habit; And the habit hardens into character; So watch the thought and its ways with care, And let it spring from love Born out of concern for all beings. As the shadow follows the body, As we think, we become -from the Dhammapada What is sucking your blood? What have you become addicted to? What is blocking you in life? Is it fear? Is it tension and anxiety? Is it loneliness? Have you become enslaved by these negative emotions? Fear is the biggest health destroyer. It will interfere with leading the kind of life you like. It will make you feel unsafe and the probability is that you lose control over your emotions. Life itself becomes a threat and you constantly dread that something horrible will happen to you. If this is the case with you, it shows that you have undergone some kind of trauma which has not been processed yet. The loss, which could also be that of Self has not been revived and new patterns of life style have not been established. You can only beat your fear with love. Love yourself and love life no matter what happens to you. We are prone to lose what we have with every minute that passes and being aware of this, motivates us to appreciate what we still have. You are an individual with the power to self-healing or self-destruct. Do some self-analyze exercises and check out which strategy you’re choosing for yourself. Ask yourself the origins of your fears. Believe and convince yourself that you will beat them. Motivate yourself and persist when faced with frustrations. Control your moods for the feeling of distress will swamp you from the ability to think and to be positive. When you are in a good mood, you will automatically entrain yourself into positive thinking and you see everything possible, making you more likely to venture onto new things. You become more flexible and manage to break your task into smaller, manageable pieces. On the other hand, when youre in a bad mood, you perceive everything in a negative way and you lose hope over everything. You become extremely cautious because you’re fearful of committing mistakes. When one loses hope, one loses everything. Pessimistic people tend to be fatalistic. They believe that whatever they will do, it will go wrong for them and the probability is that they will attract more of negative energy and their lives a self fulfilling prophecy. Optimists have hope in their blood and they continue to try until they succeed. Pessimists tend to be failures for their whole lives because when they fail they fall into despair and continue to reinforce the negative image they have on themselves. They feel defeated and fall into greater apathy. Unlearn helplessness and take a positive attitude. “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 things that did not work “- Thomas Edison Be aware that you are not conditioning yourself by other people’s fears. Im saying this because you might learn that something is fearful from other peoples feedback and probably will do your utmost to evade the situation when what could be painful or frightening for others, may not necessarily have the same effect on you. Persons may have a very powerful effect upon your mind and emotions, almost as if they have a magical hold over you. No matter how you strive to escape their influence, you seem to be held by an invisible thread. Such people do this because they take advantage of your weaknesses and your fears. It is important that you learn what part of you is giving someone this power. Do not blame the other person, no matter how culpable he or she seems. Remember that you are empowering them over you. Our own fears of failure, rejection or loneliness can impede us to recognize our own uniqueness and great beauty. Check what has died in you and revive it. It is important to monitor feelings in order to develop more insight and self-understanding. Do some self-help exercises and win your life back. Take care. God Bless.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:11:54 +0000

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