Eye Swelling Swollen eyes or eyelids can be a true nuisance. - TopicsExpress


Eye Swelling Swollen eyes or eyelids can be a true nuisance. Besides avoiding hand-to-eye contact while your eyes are swollen, learn what you can do to prevent and treat symptoms. Causes of Eye Swelling We will only focus on the most common causes of eye swelling such as: Allergies – Allergies are a very common reason why most people suffer from any type of eye symptom. Indoor and outdoor allergies can release histamines into your system, which only makes the problem worse and causes you to do things such as rub your eyes, which releases more histamines and causes swelling, sometimes severe swelling. Eye Infections – Eye infections often lead to swelling of the tissue surrounding the eyes and eyelids. There are many types of infections caused by viruses or bacteria. Blepharitis – This is a condition that causes inflammation within your eyelids. There could be underlying conditions such as dandruff, dry eyes and infections which can cause Blepharitis. Besides the swelling of your eyes, symptoms will also include burning, itchiness, excessive tearing and the feeling of a foreign substance within your eye. Conjunctivitis- This is a contagious infection that could be viral or bacterial in origin. It can also be triggered by allergens, contact lenses, environmental irritants and eye drops and ointments. Besides swelling, it causes your eyes to burn, itch and become red in color. As said before, it’s contagious, so take precautions to reduce transmitting it to someone else, or receiving it. Eye Stye - Styes are similar to pimples, only they are inflamed sebaceous glands located near the base of your eyelids. It is so important you leave styes alone, and don’t try to pierce or squeeze them, as they can spread throughout your eyelids. Washing your hands is crucial before touching your eyes, especially when you have a stye. Other factors that can cause swelling of the eyes are things such as crying, sleeping, or too much sodium in a diet. home remedies to get rid of swollen eyes home remedies to get rid of swollen eyes 1. Tea bags. Get your morning caffeine fix as you tone your puffy eyes! Steep a tea bag for 3-5 minutes in hot water. Let the tea bag cool until it is comfortably warm to the touch then apply to your eye and cover with a cloth. I usually leave the tea bag on the duration it takes me to drink a cup of tea! 2. Potatoes. Nothing wakes me up like a side of breakfast potatoes… or you know, potatoes on my face. Peel one potato, then wash and dry it. Grate the potato as fine as possible, then place the grated potato strips in a clean cloth and fold. Place the cloth on your eyelids for 15 minutes. Potato starch acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to ease irritated eyes, puffy eyes. 3. Salt. Although salty foods can intensified eye puffiness, salt on its own helps decrease eye irritation. Mix 1/2 teaspoon salt into 1 quart warm water. Dip cotton balls or facial pads into the salt water mixture, then lie down and apply pads to the eyelids. 4. Cold spoons. Place a spoon in the freezer for about 10 minutes then apply on each eye(curved side down) until spoon warms up. This also works to reduce hickeys ;) 5. Water. Down two pints of water as soon as you spot puffy eyes in the morning. Re-hydrating is very important in curing your puffy eyes!
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 17:11:27 +0000

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