FAMILIES, FUN AND GODWINKS! BARRY SAUL Lyman and BARRY HUGH Lyman were COUSINS, nearly the same age, both named after the same grandfather. As kids they played together and became best of friends. At the age of ten, their parents became estranged, and they NEVER SAW EACH OTHER AGAIN. Time went by ... 40 years. Barry Hugh became a successful businessman living in Vermont. He had an unusual hobby. He liked to collect antique cars … BRITISH CARS. There was a dealer in New Jersey named Tom whom he’d visit whenever he was in the area. On a particular day, he had a vintage Morgan on his mind. “Why are you thinking of a Morgan,” asked Tom. You said on the phone you were interested in the Austin Healy I had in the paper.” Barry looked at him strangely. “I DIDN’T CALL YOU,” he said. “What do mean?” replied Tom, baffled. “You called me … and every time I asked you a personal question YOU SAID, ‘I DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE.’” [OPTION to WATCH this story: hulu/watch/374942#i2,p0,d2] Tom was shaking his head when Barry suddenly wondered … could that have been MY LONG LOST COUSIN, Barry Saul? Could he ALSO collect antique British cars??? That’s exactly what happened! And within moments Tom got the TWO COUSINS TOGETHER BY PHONE and they made a lunch appointment for the following day. WHEN THEY SHOWED UP ... ...both were driving the same model Mercedes; ...both were dressed in blue blazers and Khakis; ...and both wearing the same UNUSUAL WATCH: A Concord Mariner SG! The outcome? Both Barry’s bought homes down the street from each other in Delray Beach, Florida and they play golf twice a week. Look how godwinks can playfully bring families back together! •••• So as you plan SUMMER REUNIONS, picnics and get-togethers with your FAMILY, think about this story, you may come up with a few GODWINKS! I hope you’ll share them with us. Good Summer Wishes and Godwinks! SQ Source: This story appeared in my book When God Winks at You, p 182
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:50:01 +0000

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