FAMILY AND RELATIONSHIP (PART 2) There was this story I believe - TopicsExpress


FAMILY AND RELATIONSHIP (PART 2) There was this story I believe you may learn from. A man once had a job on the other end of the city where he’s living. He wakes up in the morning and leaves early (due to the traffic issues on the road) without seeing his children. By the time he returns, the children are all asleep again because he comes back so late from office. The only thing he does with his children was just to give them a peck on their bed when he returns from work. You asked about the wife? Oh well…she suffered this neglect too and far more than that. Unfortunately the wife doesn’t eat alone. She had to wait until her hussy returns and then they eat together no matter how late (not even considering the fact that eating late is not good for the health). This continued for like two years. The question is; was this only thing that was needed from the head of the family, the husband of a woman and a father of some kids? Of course your answer is as good as mine. Thank God the man woke up one day and decided to hold onto the altar and said GOD MUST PROVIDE another GOOD job. It wasn’t long; God answered his prayer and got a job close to his house. Office less than 15mins drive from his house! Husbands, Fathers, I ask you today, how close are you to your family members? Do you run after money at the detriment of your home? Your home is you first assignment and your nearest Jerusalem. When you fail as a husband in the home front then your failure is as terrible as unexplainable. Your children need you, you wife needs too! Please don’t be part of them that says after all I have this job before I married her, I have this job before I began to have the children, ehn is it not because of them I am working? When you work and you fail at you duty at home, then of what profit is your work and your fat bank account. Would you rather prefer that your children turns vagabond? GOD FORBIDS THAT FOR YOU! It is true money answers all things but before answer all things, some things needed to be done. Train up your children so that you have peace at the end of your day. LOVE your wife so that it can be well with you. Your children come through you but not from you (children are the heritage of the Lord….). When you fail (as a husband and father) about your duties towards them, you disappoint God and them too and of course yourself! Difficult children like difficult laundry, can turn out great if given special attention before the stains set. We should and MUST have time for our children, love them, hug them, listen to them, encourage them, nourish them (with Gods words) support them, rebuke them too (when necessary) BUT NOT to over pamper them. Remember to PRAY for them ALWAYS! Jonas Salk said: “Good parents give their children ROOTS and WINGS. Roots to know where home is, Wings to fly away and exercise what’s been thought them”. If we as father (and mother too) do our part as expected from us, our society will be more free of vagabonds, robbers, immorality and prostitution etc. May we tap from God’s wisdom and train up and children in the way of the Lord so that we have peace! Please note that the story above is actually about me but thank God today, there is a new story and testimony. Always remember that IT IS VERY WELL WITH YOU!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:44:04 +0000

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