FAO; Hamad ben Jassem al-Thani Doha Qatar. FAO; Ahmed bin Saeed - TopicsExpress


FAO; Hamad ben Jassem al-Thani Doha Qatar. FAO; Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum Emirtaes Airline Dubai U.A.E. FAO: British Home Office Minister: The Right Honourable Theresa May c/o: bbc.co.uk Paul Birch Hostel “La Patria” Calle El Salvador. Mexico City. South America. Date: 18th November 2013. Reference: Terrorist Atrocity Twin Towers NYC 9/11. Dear Ham and Egg Heads, Hello again my lil Nazi Bedouin ToSSers. Brief up date from your “SS Neo-Nazi Target” The British Citizen Paul Birch here in Mexico City and loving it. Well well little droogs- seems you’s two’s still ain’t had enough of Paul Birch have yahs? Like Half time France v Ukraine this afternoon (France have NO place at The Brazil 2014 World Cup I swear; Cause like you they are CHEATING BARSTEWARDS- I think long before “2022 QATAR” will forfeit theWorld Cup Tournament having bribed it in the first place as we ALL well know- Like when everyone fully realises what kindda Monkey Buisness yous twos Emirs Hamad and Ahmed get involved in/Upto- Well? - Still well see ehh? Blatters on his way out for corruption and Platttini ain’t far behind him because of YOU- Like at the Confederations Cup last summer Brazil made it right and perfectly clear to Batter an Plattini & their FIFA/UEFA Aids that theys is simply NOT welcome because Brazil wanna host a Clean and Healthy Tournament to inspire Youth and not a corrupt one). Yeah I went out dah front a Bar for a fag/Ciggie and got more “DEATH THREATS” than I had in like 2 weeks or more. All SS an usual bullshit from your SS wankers. “Spreading” it they call it innit?- Like when yous two Emirs Hamad and Ahmed personally have been grounded you give the shit a some other SS wanker/ operative to take care of. Eventually you will get the message you idiots and you will in any case be Legally Judged accordingly- You get me? Nowhere to Hide Brov cause we are ON your Nazi CASES- International Court it will be for yous both for supporting a (soon to be) Out Lawed International (“Banned”) Neo-Facist Organisation NAZI Organisation- Spreading vile, evil AND terrorism/hatred across many societies cause you think your mierda don’t stink- well let me tell yous two Nasty Boys that you have it wrong your Pooh Bear DOES stink an from what I can see/smell... Like where I sit see: it STINKS one hell of a lot. This is Apart from all the other CacCahhh you will face like as I said before “Financing The Twin Towers 9/11 Terrorist Attack in New York City”. Every Dog has its day Mate sos “Dick Darstedly and Mutley” (yous two) my little play pen mongrels, well you better Mind How You Go Babes. Then back inside el Bar this afternoon where’s I always sit I notice 3 Slippery Creeps Bogging and Texting about me- Like in the Mirror I sees a geez dressed in Black Golfing Shirt with like 2 cm Horiz Orange Stripes on it & No “3” on the Sleeve, about 45 yrs old –Mexican skin tone, Beer Gut ike yourn Hamed an all the other usual LOSER characteristics (Bit like Ahmed- Ugly) sat with a White Bird/Slag about 28 yrs old, Av Looking, Mousey Hair Shoulder Length, European complexion/demeanour an another obese male ToSSer and theys ALL “Stalking” me. You know “Walky Walky -Talky Talky -Stalky Stalky”- Its illegal you know?- Like to Stalk someone. But you keep it up you pair of losers cause I am gonna Publicly Humiliate you and KILL ALL your Buisness activity“BY THE OUNCE”- That’s a Medieval method you THICK wannabees where Death occurs very slowly in your case by Starvation of BuisneSS Resources. Yeah theys all covert like so “Fly Emirates”- Arsenal FC -Barcelona FC sponsors you know?- Like no one notices them at all -like all Professional an that an you know undercover- Listen yous Two Small Evil Minded Nazi’s - I will completely empty your Planes by Brazil 2014 World Cup- I swear. Only “Suicide Bombers” will wanna RISK The Cheap option of using your ill reputable “Terrorist Emirates Airline”- You see what I mean Brov’s?- You may wanna think about packing it in an leaving me and my LIFE alone (at least for the time being why the Heat is ON you both)as you did for 5 hours this morning here in Mexico City. Jolly Jolly. “Paul Birch” my Name mate. Like you think them Stalkers aint got to go to Bed tonight somewhere? The CIA are the best Stalkers in the World- let alone Mossad. Even your “Street Walkers” mate Texting an Messaging 24/7 Stalking ME CONTINUALY 16 months now you know? And also “Signing” by the minute DEATH threats to me Across their T-Shirts etc all afternoon-Theys still gotta LIE DOWN AT NIGHT AINT THEY - an even Shut their Eyes momentarily/eventually an when they do WE ARE RIGHT THERE to give em SWEET DREAMS…SIMPLE- Them local Mexican dumb Creeps of yourn earning Peanuts whilst risking their lives seem to forget they still have to wake up the next day...But that’s education for you innit- Bit like yous two these poor Mexican runabouts aint got no education have they? By the time we have emptied their Cellies and found out whose paying em (YOUS TWO TOSSERS) You will clearly be in even more mierda; Burn’t again innit- Its all Electronic Chains you know? Not hard to follow: Eazy Peazy mate. But you already know that don’t you and you still keep on- You keep on undermining an threatening my life mate why don’t Yah’s both- cause if you don’t hurry up and “Get On With It” and “MURDER” me I am gonna destroy you completely- Your Public Image is already fast falling apart and IN tatters an I am gonna Stamp on it till there is Nutting left What So Ever-Nice. So’s you immature Boys you better get on with “ASSASINATING” me FAST as promised- Cause very soon you will be the wrong Side of BARS an In the CLINK and it will be even more difficult to carry out your Nazi Terrorist Activities. See I’s a British Citizen mate, that’s why I thought I would put this abusive note across our British Home Secretary Mate cause “The Right Honourable Theresa May” has a sworn Duty to look after her British Citizens mate- “Counter-Terrorism” they call it. More people on your backs brov’s... I will Speak to you again tomorrow that is if you ain’t managed to KILL me as Promised in your many and various “SIGNS” of Clothing, Bags and Accessories etc this afternoon here in Mexico City. Sincere regards- Paul Birch.(Mexico City). ps- Pack It in; Theres a Pair of Little Good Boys. pps- Dear Auntie beeb. Please kindly get this note across to Theresa as usual. Many thanks for everything- love paul.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 02:30:32 +0000

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