FEEL FREE TO SHARE and COMMENT or POST READ IT ENTIRELY FIRST PLEASE I thought I would share this with you all... In 2011, 3-and-a-half years ago, I was living and training in Japan at the Hombu Dojos. I was happy with my life and all was going as well as it could be going. Suddenly there was a great earthquake. My Apartment collapsed. I lost almost everything I had collected in my life. Old Photos, Awards, clothes, Certificates and just things that were special to me. I was safe somewhat at my friends house in Tokyo at the time, thankfully. After digging around the rubble a few days later when I could finally get back to my apartment. I found a few items and some things that could be salvaged. I stayed for a month after the Earthquake that ultimately was found to be a 9.0. There was no work for me and I was running out of money after the long month. There were after shocks for over a month that measured anywhere from 4.0 to 7.5 happening day and night. I came back to the USA and began my life over again. I only had a few friends and students that helped me out somewhat. As much as they could anyway. I felt badly that I could not support myself directly and needed help. But that is what friends are for. I began teaching seminars and traveling that went on for over 7 months. Writing more books and making new friends and a few enemies along the way (lol), I eventually settled down a bit in Doylestown, PA for over a year and began to piece my life together. One of those new pieces was meeting my love and constant friend and companion Lisa Calhoun. She has supported me both financially and emotionally during our relationship. Without her I’m not sure where I would be. Since then we have moved to San Diego, California for the last year and began building a life together. We are planning to get married next year in March. I still travel around the world teaching seminars and I am still actively writing and publishing more books. I’m not perfect.. FAR FROM IT.. I do my best and I do what I can. I feel that my life mission is to help others that are in need as well. Even I have nothing much to offer. I try to have both Honor and respect for myself and others. Although there has been those who would attempt to tear me down or smear my reputation, I can only continue doing what I think is best and what I believe to be my path in life. I’m not bashing anyone nor do I wish anyone harm in anyway. I want everyone to live and prosper and do what they feel is right for them. I just wanted to share a little of my story for those who may not know about me directly or those who have heard stories that may or may not be true. Either way I will remain on my course until my course changes. I will continue to write and teach as my life and schedule allows. All my best to all that have a dream and a desire to accomplish something on their own. Peace and brother hood to everyone and if you have any further questions or comments please post them here or to me directly. I’m an open book and I do not feel the need to hide behind anything or anyone. PEACE and Thank you for your time
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 06:09:52 +0000

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