FG TO FILE TREASON CHARGES AGAINST GOV. NYAKO IN ABSENTIA The Federal Government through the office of the Attorney General of the federation and minister of Justice, Mohammed Bello Adoke, SAN, will soon file a six count charge bordering on treason against the embattled former governor of Adamawa state Murtala Nyako over the alleged letter he wrote to the Northern governors accusing the Federal Government of Genocide and president Goodluck Jonathan in absentia. A Highly placed source in the office of the Attorney General of the federation said that the FG will soon initiate the move after several efforts to get Nyako proved abortive. According to the source, since the impeachment of the former governor by the Adamawa state House of Assembly he has been into hiding making it difficult for the relevant security agencies to interrogate him. According the source, the FG was waiting for the embattled governor to be removed by the Adamawa state Assembly because of section 308 of the Nigerian constitution which allows the president, his Vice and governors and their deputies to enjoy immunity. He said that Murtala Nyako will be charge before a federal High court sitting in Abuja. Vice Admiral Murtala Nyako (rtd.), had written to the Northern Governors Forum, accusing the Federal Government of embarking on what he alleged as a full-fledged genocide in the North. The letter dated April 16, copy of which was made available to Nigerian pilot , noted that the adverse security situation in Northern Nigeria in particular and Nigeria in general is being felt by all. According to Nyako, “While every State Government is doing everything possible using virtually all its resources to stem the tide of near disaster facing all of us especially in the North, it is a well-known fact that the present Federal administration has now become a government of impunity run by an evil-minded leadership for the advancement of corruption that is apparently enjoying the protection of the Federal administration as a citizen of this country should enjoy but is being denied by the administration using its mass murderers/cut-throats imbedded in our legitimate and traditional Defence and Security organisations.” He alleged that “ the protection of life and property of innocent citizens in Northern Nigeria and recognising their human rights and voting right in the forthcoming general elections is no longer a cardinal principle of the administration.” Tracing what he described as “The beginning of Genocide,” Nyako said: Clearly the victims of the Administration’s evil-mindedness are substantially Northern Nigerians. The administration is bent on bringing wars in the North between Muslim and Christians and within them and between one ethnic group and another or others in various communities in the region. “Cases of mass murders by its bloody minded killers and cut-throats are well known, but it attributes the killings to so-called Boko-Haram. Thousands of our young girls and boys have been kidnapped by clearly organised militia in the last few years and kidnapping is now a random affair all over the far North.”
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 17:39:55 +0000

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