FIFER UPDATES!!!! Students . . .If you are sick, stay home! - TopicsExpress


FIFER UPDATES!!!! Students . . .If you are sick, stay home! Again, if you are sick, stay home and get your rest! The nurse DOES NOT provide cold medicine or other medicines for you to take if you do not feel well. She only has what medications your parents send to school! If you have any questions, please see Nurse Clark. Valentines Day is just around the corner! Are you looking for something of your friend or valentine? Then look out for the PTO table at lunch. ALL THIS WEEK they will be selling candy-grams for $2 that will be delivered throughout the week. Yearbooks for sale! Turn in your blue order form to Mrs. Harfeld Room 102 or the Library. They are $30 as you missed the early sale. Extra Order forms in the main office. Attention all BPA Students: The date for the first annual BPA Powwow is February 18th (Tuesday) in the gym, from 2:40 - 4 pm. Make sure you have signed up outside of Mr. Mercer and Mr. Dixons room. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Mercer. Attention Student Council Members: Permission Slips and money for Legislative Day are due no later than Wednesday (February 12th) morning to Mrs. Thompson or Mrs. Johnson. Spring Fundraiser is here! Start selling items!. Sell ONE items and you will attend the Miami Heat Slam Dunk Show right here at Fifer. Order can be turned in daily to Mrs. Henry in the main office. Last day to turn them in is March 4th before 10 am. There will be no orders accepted late. Attention Science Fair students: Make sure you are working on the research part of your project at home and bring this information with you to our next meeting on Tuesday February 18th in room 209. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Craig. Attention Math League Teams: CONGRATULATIONS to both our seventh and eight grade teams as they came in second in our Region. Both teams are invited to attend the state Invitational and Awards Banquet in early April. Congratulations to the following individuals for placing in the top three among all of the competitors!! Tommy Pomatto, Justin Anthony, and Rishi Gundakaram. Nice job gentlemen!! Information regarding the teams that will complete at the State Invitational will be coming soon. Please see Mrs.. Wilt if you have any questions.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 03:45:51 +0000

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