FIRST DEVOTION…COACH ROCK I’m dying, and no I’m not - TopicsExpress


FIRST DEVOTION…COACH ROCK I’m dying, and no I’m not kidding. I have two terminal diseases and was given less than a year to live in 2008. I was wondering how you might respond if you were given the same news? As I remember I was knocked sideways by the news. I made the five hour trip home from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida completely numb. I felt totally isolated from the rest of the world, including family. How could this be? I was just reaching the very top of my game, my ministry and my reputation as a guy you wanted coaching your son. I had my own radio show on Saturday mornings, I had started a state-wide all-star football game and had resurrected or given birth to several programs that either won it all or played in the championship game. My players were graduating with scholarships and many had broken school records. Life was good and I was as happy as I had ever been. There was no looking back, the future held so many possibilities. But now it had all disappeared with those three words, “You have cancer.” The morbidity rate for someone with my two diseases (multiple myeloma and amyloidosis) is 11 months. So, according to pattern, I had less than a year to live. I’ve got to tell you that the Lord started a change in me right away. I immediately made a bucket list. It was all about me. My wishes and desires…until one of the first nights I woke up, read from 1 John and realized my bucket list needed to be about serving others! It is so much more rewarding, and talk about happiness! Now, here we are over five years later, and I’m still kickin’ and the Lord is still using me to influence others for His glory. Since that night spent in 1John (3:16, 4:7, 5:2) I have kept a daily bucket list that keeps me focused on the needs of others, demonstrating the love of Christ. So, I live this way as the priority of all day and evening. Sometimes the target is quite broad and at other times it is very specific. However, it is always easy to see the divine appointments materialize as they are orchestrated by God and His sovereign hand. My role in all this? Obedience and “bragship”!!! I strive to live holy as He is holy and testify of all He has done for me. God handles the results, the increase and/or the harvest! I have learned these past few years of illness that my joy, peace and happiness is in direct correlation to my efforts to bring joy, peace and happiness into the lives of others. So, make yourself a bucket list targeting the needs of others and demonstrating the wondrous love of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will get very active in your heart. Remember y’all, the Holy Spirit is a divine Person, promised to us by Jesus and given on our “re-birthday.” It will be His still small voice that will help you make the supernatural bucket list as well as keep it ever changing and reaching out to others at the appointed time of God’s will. Too easy, right? So what are you waiting for…
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 05:42:34 +0000

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