FIRST SUNDAY SERMON FROM DESTINY HOUSE - LIVE By Dr. Jerome Anekwe TITLE: GOD IS FAITHFUL (Lessons from our journey as a Church) We can lift up our hands and boldly declare that Hes Faithful 5 things that have helped us as church to be where we are to day -: These are principles that are living proof that God is faithful - just as literally as this auditorium or the chairs we are seated on: These will help you as an individual or ministry asking - HOW DID YOU DO IT? 1) The power of VISION : understanding the God given dreams/goals! This church is a product of Vision- the reason we are here today is because pastors Ruth Anekwe and Jerome - heard , incubated, Gods vision. It was not allowed to die - didnt hang out with vision killers. -if you live life without any dream or goals or vision you cast restrain. Hab 2: 2- a vision is for an appointed time and shall SURELY come to pass. Whatever God has spoken to you., it shall surely come to pass. -Keep your dream alive - fan it to life, keep away from skeptics, naysayers, - Every dream will be tested - ask the patriachs - Even our church vision was challenged - for 1 year as a church we were challenged. 2) Dont despise the day of small beginnings Job 6:8 Dont despise where youre. Theres more to you than meets the eye right now... Dont despise your job, your marriage, or career... Exod 3:1 - the great MOSES we all admire - the dude with the 10 plagues, parted the red sea, pastored a 4 million church through the wilderness - Thid guy begun as a jobless asylum seeker at the back side of ghetto - looking after his inlaws sheep. 3) REALISE that nothing you go through in God is wasted - challenges, problems, hardships Exod 3: 1- God told Moses ive seen my people cry... He sees, He knows and delivers. 4) BE PREPARED TO FIGHT: Fortify your self Dont buckle in the day of trouble - if you run when challenges come , probably there was not much to you in the first place. Say: Devil if it takes 100 years, i will be here for 101 years... Be ready to fight, to contend for everything that God has for you. Pastor had to sit in his car in the midst of winter and contended in spiritual warfare for this place 3-4 hours! If you faint in the day of adversity - 5) BELIEVE GOD WITHOUT VISIBLE SIGN: Heb 11:7 - Noah built an ark - prompted by faith, warned by God of things that had no visible sign. This DESTINY HOUSE is a manifestation of invisible faith. Walk by faith, that which is invisible will create the visible As youve done it for our church we believe it will be done in our individual lives. Have a DESTINY WEEK.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:14:39 +0000

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