FOOD CITY/TUSC BLVD!!!!....FOOD CITY/TUSC BLVD!!!!!! do i have - TopicsExpress


FOOD CITY/TUSC BLVD!!!!....FOOD CITY/TUSC BLVD!!!!!! do i have your attention now???? GOOD! for those of you who know me u understand that when i feel strongly about something I am going to vent so here we go............... i ALWAYS shop at FOOD CITY on TUSC BLVD. it is very rare for me to go 5 miles down the road to the next one when this one is maybe a mile. I have a one year old who is not the best shopper companion, and also happens to LOVE bananas. So of course when we pass them by it is a must have kinda thing with this kid that he has one. So each time (which is very often) we go get some i will put some in a bag and then put an extra one on top of the bad so that when we get to the check out they can weigh them all and then I let them keep the one on the top of the bag because my son has already consumed one in the store. I am half way through them scanning my groceries when the cashiers booth phone rings. She says uh hu a couple of times then says ok. She then turns to me and says....Did you child already eat a banana in the store?........REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?..I looked at her and said , uh yea, thats why the extra banana is sitting on top of my bag for it to be weighed with the other ones and I let you keep the extra one for the one he has ate. We do this all the time. The more I stood there the more mad i got. I mean seriously??!?!? IT WAS PROBABLY A 25 CENT BANANA!!!!!! SO WHO WOULD REALLY GIVE A CRAP IF I HAPPEN TO NOT HAVE INTENTIONS OF PAYING FOR IT ANYWAY?!?!??!?! IT WASNT LIKE I WAS THE ONE WALKING THRU EATING IT!!! MY ONE YEAR OLD CHILD WAS HUNGRY, WANTED THE BANANA RIGHT THEN, AND I FREAIN GOT ONE FOR HIM AND WAS PAYING FOR IT AT THAT VERY MOMENT!!!!!! AND YOUR GONNA CALL DOWN TO OUR LANE TO HAVE MY CASHIER GRILL ME ON WEATHER MY SON HAD CONSUMED A 25 CENT BANANA??!?!?!?!?!? FOR FREAKIN REAL?!?!!??!?!??! I found her soon after I had paid my bill and told her that I would like to know who in the store wanted to know if was paying for this EXPENSIVE food item, and all she could say it that she didnt have to tell me that information. WELL GUESS WHAT.....I DONT HAVE TO SHOP AT YOUR F IN STORE EITHER!!!!!!!!!!! THERES ANOTHER ONE JUST DOWN THE ROAD, AND IF YOU THINK I WONT DRIVE 5 MILES TO THE OTHER ONE THEN YOU DONT KNOW ME VERY WELL!!!! YOU MIGHT WANT TO LET THE CUSTOMER PAY FOR THEIR ITEMS BEFORE YOU START QUESTIONING PAYING OF ITEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND EVEN SO, EVEN IF I OR ANYONE ELSE HAD FED THEIR ONE YEAR OLD A 25 CENT BANANA AS THEY ARE BUYING 65 MORE DOLLARS WORTH OF FOOD THEN YOU MIGHT WANT TO CHECK YOUR ETHICS AGAIN!!!!!!!!! I should have left the groceries standing there, but i had already paid for them at this time. As I left, another employee (that I knew) asked me if everything was ok, so I made it very clear what had happened and i was NOT quite about it!!!!!! As I got to my car a very nice, very young female employee approached me and asked if she could help get my things in and take my buggie. She apologized over and over (as she had heard my complains in the store) and said that this was the 2nd incident they had had in the past hour!!!!! SO I DONT KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS AT THIS LOCATION, BUT YOU DAMN WELL BETTER BELIEVE I WONT BE STEPPING FOOT INSIDE THERE AGAIN!!!!! AND FOR THOSE ON HERE THAT DONT KNOW ME WELL AND THINK IM JOKING......HA!!! FOR THOSE THAT DO KNOW ME WELL.................I THINK YOU ALREADY KNOW!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 00:33:23 +0000

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