FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Never Here? Read Jeremiah 47:1 through - TopicsExpress


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Never Here? Read Jeremiah 47:1 through 48:47 Throughout history, great civilizations have risen and fallen. Nations once thought to be invincible now lie in ruins. Only memories remain of their “days of glory.” In the days of Jeremiah, Moab was one such nation. Proud and arrogant, this nation worshipped Chemosh, even following the detestable practice of sacrificing their sons and daughters on his altars. Since you trust in your deeds and riches, you too will be taken captive, and Chemosh will go into exile, together with his priests and officials (Jeremiah48:7). Lest we smugly assume our nation is exempt from God’s judgment, it is critical that we examine prevailing attitudes. Have the comfort of wealth and the strength of our military caused us to believe that we don’t need God? Do we worship God or our own success and power? Do we boast of our cities and fail to see the pain and suffering beneath the facade of the impressive structures? Are God’s Word and His commandments the foundation of our society or relics of the past? Thought for Today: A nation without God is doomed to fall.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 12:00:01 +0000

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