...FOR THE DAY. THE HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MUHARRAM AND ASHURAH THE MONTH OF MUHARRAM With the sighting of the new moon the Islaamic new year is ushered in. The first month Muharram is one of the four sacred months that Allah has mentioned in the Holy Quraan: Lo! The number of the months with Allah is twelve months by Allahs ordinance in the day that He created the heavens and the earth. Four of them are sacred: that is the right religion. So wrong not yourselves in them. (9:36) The specification of these four sacred months is stated in a hadeeth narrated by Abu Bakrah radhiyallahu anhu ; Verily time has completed its cycle and returned to its original stage as it was on the day Allah created the heavens and the earth. The year consists of twelve months, four of which are sacred. Three of them occur consecutively; Zil Qadah, Zil Hijjah and Muharram , (the fourth being) Rajab of Mudhar (named after the tribe of Mudhar as they used to respect this month) which occurs between Jamadiul Aakhir and Shabaan. (Bukhari Vol.2 Page 622) From out of the four sacred months, Muharram has been blessed with certain specific virtues. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: The best of fasts besides the month of Ramadhaan is the fasting of Allahs month of Muharram and the best of salaat besides the fardh (compulsory) salaat is the tahajjud salaat (performed after midnight before dawn). (Muslim Vol.1 Page 368) In another hadeeth, Ibne Abbas radhiyallahu anhu reports that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: He who fasts on the day of Arafah (9th Zil Hijjah), his fast will be a compensation for the sins of two years and the one that keeps a fast in the month of Muharram will receive the reward of thirty fasts for each fast (in this sacred month). (Tabraani, At Targheeb Wat Tarheeb Vol.2 Page 114.) THE DAY OF AASHOORAA (10th MUHARRAM) The tenth day of this sacred month, Muharram is known as Aashooraa. It is one of the most important and blessed days of Allah in the Islaamic calendar. Some ulamaa (scholars) are of the opinion that before the fasts of Ramadhaan were made compulsory, the fast of the day of Aashooraa was compulsory upon the ummah. This is stated in a hadeeth reported by Aaishah radhiyallahu anha that the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam ordered the observance of the fast of Aashooraa. However, when the fast of Ramadhaan became compulsory, then whosoever wished, kept this fast and whosoever desired did not observe this fast. (Bukhari Vol.1 Page 268) But, nevertheless the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam continued to fast this day and encouraged his Companions to do the same. Ibne Abbas radhiyallahu anhu says: I did not see Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam anxiously await the fast of any day, which he gave preference to over other days, but this day, the day of Aashooraa. (Bukhari Vol.1 Page 268) Humayd Ibne Abdur Rahamaan narrates that he heard Muaawiyah Ibne Abi Sufyaan radhiyallahu anhu on the day of Aashooraa, during the year he performed hajj, saying on the pulpit: O the people of Madinah! Where are your ulaama (scholars)? I heard Rasullullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam saying: This is the day of Aashooraa. Allah has not enjoined its fasting on you but I am fasting it. Whosoever wish, keep (this) fast and whosoever desires do not observe (this fast). (Bukhari Vol.1 Page 268) In another hadeeth, Ibne Abbas radhiyallahu anhu narrates that the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam came to Madinah and found the Jews fasting on the day of Aashooraa. Hence the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam inquired of them, What is (the significance of) this day on which you fast? They replied, This is a great day. On this day Allah saved Moosa and his people and drowned Firawn and his nation. Thus Moosa alayhis salaam fasted on this day as a token of thanksgiving, therefore we too fast on this day. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, We are more worthy of Moosa and nearer to him than you. Thereafter, the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam fasted on this day and ordered (his Companions) that a fast be kept on this day. (Muslim Vol.1 Page 359) Hazrat Ibn Abbas (Radiyallahu anh) reports that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) arrived in Madinah and found the Jews observing fast on the day of ‘Ashura… They said: It is the day of great (significance) when Allah delivered Hazrat Musa (Alaihis-Salaam) and his people and drowned Pharoah and his people, and Sayyidina Musa (Alaihis-Salaam) observed fast out of gratitude. And we also observe it. The Holy Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) responded: We have more right, and we have closer connection with Sayyidina Musa (Alaihis-Salaam) than you have; so Allah’s Messenger (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) observed fast (on the day of ‘Ashura) and gave us orders to observe it. [Sahih Bukhari and Muslim] ‘Ashura is a day of great historical significance. On this day: Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) accepted the repentance of Sayyidina Adam (Alaihis-Salaam) after his exile from Paradise; Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) saved Sayyidina Nuh (Alaihis-Salaam) and his companions in the ark; Allah extinguished the fire in which Sayyidina Ibrahim (Alaihis-Salaam) was thrown by Nimrod; And Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) spoke directly to Sayyidina Musa (Alaihis-Salaam) and gave him the Commandments. On this same 10th of Muharram, Sayyidina Ayyub (Alaihis-Salaam) was restored to health (from leprosy); Sayyidina Yusuf (Alaihis-Salaam) was reunited with his father Ya’qub (Alaihis-Salaam); Sayyidina Yunus (Alaihis-Salaam) was taken out from the belly of the fish; and the sea was divided as the nation of israel was delivered from captivity and Pharoah’s army was destroyed. ‘Ashura is also the day when Sayyidina Dawud (Alaihis-Salaam) was forgiven; the kingdom of Sulaiman (Alaihis-Salaam) was restored; Sayyidina Isa (Alaihis-Salaam) was raised to Jannah RECOMMENDED DEEDS ON THE DAY OF AASHOORAA * The Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam has exhorted and encouraged his ummah to fast on this day. Abu Qataadah radhiyallahu anhu narrates that the Holy Prophet sallahllahu alayhi wasallam was asked regarding the fast of the day of Aashooraa. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam replied: It is a compensation for the (minor) sins of the past year. (Muslim Vol.1 Page 368) NOTE:- It must be borne in mind that wherever a promise of forgiveness of sins is made upon the fulfilment of some action, it is only the minor sins that are forgiven. The major sins are not forgiven without true tawbah (repentance). * One should also observe the fast of the 9th Muharram to safeguard his deed from resemblance with the non-muslims who fast only on the 10th Muharram. Ibne Abbas radhiyallahu anhu said: When Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam observed the fast of the day of Aashooraa and ordered (his Companions) to fast, they said, O Rasulullah! It is a day revered by the Jews and Christians. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, The coming year, if Allah wills, we will fast on the ninth (also). (Muslim Vol.1 Page 359) These ahadeeth indicate clearly that one should fast on the ninth and tenth of Muharram. However, if one does not manage to fast on the ninth, then he should fast on the eleventh of Muharram instead. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: Observe the fast of Aashooraa and oppose the Jews. Fast a day before it or a day after. (Bayhaqi) Hence, it is important to either fast on the ninth and tenth of Muharram or the tenth and eleventh. To fast only on the day of Aashooraa is makrooh tanzeehi as stated by Allamah Ibne Aabideen Shaami. * One should be generous on ones family and dependants and spend more on them than what is normally spent. Abu Hurayrah radhiyallahu anhu reports that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: One who generously spends on his family on the day of Aashooraa, Allah will increase (his provision) for the whole year. (Bayhaqi, At Targheeb Wat Tarheeb Vol.2 Page 116) These are the only actions supported by ahaadeeth. IMPERMISSIBLE ACTS ON THE DAY OF AASHOORAA It is absolutely clear that the significance of the day of Aashooraa is from the time of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. However, many people regard this day as the day of mourning the martyrdom of Husayn radhiyallahu anhu. The martyrdom of Husayn radhiyallahu anhu was indeed a great tragedy but Islaam is not a religion of perpetual mourning. Abu Saeed radhiyallahu anhu relates that Rasullullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has cursed mourners and those who listen to them (attentively). (Abu Dawood) The pages of Islaamic History are filled with the blood of the martyrs. Should we begin to mourn the martyrdom of the Sahaabah alone, every other day would be a day of mourning. Thus, to attribute the significance of Aashooraa to the martyrdom of Husayn radhiyallahu anhu is baseless. Therefore, the host of baseless customs with regard to his martyrdom must be discarded. Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi writes: Beware! Do not participate in the innovations of the Rawaafidh. Do not involve yourself in the mourning, lamenting and displaying grief. This is not the conduct of the Muslims. If mourning was permissible then the day of the demise of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam would have been more worthy for (mourning and lamenting). Also, refrain from innovations of the Khawaarij (those who harbour hatred for the family of Rasullullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Similarly, refrain from the innovations of the ignorant because they oppose ruin with destruction, innovations with innovations and evil with sin and show great joy and happiness in it. They regard the tenth of Muharram as the day of eid. They indulge in adornment and dying of the hair and beard, applying surmah (collyrium), wearing new clothes, spending lavishly, and cooking various foods and khitchra (a certain type of food) which are not generally prepared. All these actions are regarded as sunnah according to their belief, where as the true sunnah is to shun all these useless practices, since no authentic narration sanctioning and permitting such actions can be found. (Maa thabata bis sunnah Page 20:21) Shaykh Abdul Haqq further writes a detailed list of the various beliefs about the significance of the day of Aashooraa; many of them being quoted even in our time; and concludes by saying: All the above are fabrications. (Maa thabata bis sunnah Page 21) Let us observe this great day according to the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Sahaabah radhiyallahu anhum and refrain from all innovations which deprive us of the blessings from Allah Taaala. May Allah guide us all upon the Straight Path and save us from every act which brings His displeasure. Aameen. O’ Allah! Bless us to perform good deeds and gain their reward on ‘Ashura. Make the new year one of unity, cooperation and success for Muslims in this city and around the world. Ameen. JUMAH MUBARAKH1
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 14:12:33 +0000

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