FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 170 YEARS The British Parliament will - TopicsExpress


FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 170 YEARS The British Parliament will debate on who should create the national money? Could this be under direction of the British Monarchy who is head of the Church Of England? Woe to the Rothschilds Dynasty.. Revelation 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil... By Preston James for VT. The City of London Banksters have used their main Cutout the Federal Reserve System to engulf the whole World in a sinister Web-of-Debt of US Petro Dollars that has led to numerous continuing wars accompanied by mass-death, maimings and unimaginable human sufferings. This Web-of-Debt and its related pernicious usury now threatens the well-being and economic survival of the whole World including America and “We The People”. Thanks to the Internet, for the very first time Folks all over the World are now understanding how any Entity that controls the Manufacture and Distribution of Money is able to control the Top Policy-Makers in many nations and orchestrate History step by step. And if this Entity that has control over most of the World’s monetary production and distribution systems is notably Evil, it can do maximum damage to humanity because it has the money and accrued power to appoint and coerce Top Policy-Makers to enact a notably Evil Agenda on the World. Now for the first time in the last hundred years, the Worldwide Internet is creating a worldwide Consciousness and complete awareness of the Evil Power that the Rothschild private Zionist Banksters from the City of London and their main Cutout the Federal Reserve System have wrought against the World. Thanks to the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, the Banksters Evil World Agenda has now been completely uncovered and is now in the Public Domain for all to study and know for the first time ever. And it turns out this has happened and the Banksters Evil World Agenda is to asset strip the fruits of the labors of most humans, create continual wars in order to foment mass their deaths by the millions accompanied by incredible human pain, loss and suffering. It is now known beyond any shadow of a reasonable doubt that this is all part of their Evil Agenda for the whole World. And now these same evil Banksters have deployed sophisticated means of Eugenics, soft-kill and hard kill against humanity designed to reduce the population of America and the World by 90%. Major substantial evidence has been emerging for the last 100 years now, especially the last ten that the latter is the case, that these Men who have been in control of most of the World’s production and distribution of FIAT money made from nothing have done so to gain more and more control over mankind. These World Banksters aka “the Moneychangers” have gained this control by their prolific use of pernicious usury and their imposition of debt-slavery on almost the whole World. Rather than harness such incredible power over the People of the World for good, they have harnesses it and used it for grotesque, unimaginable Evil that is so deviant the average person just cannot fit it in to their head and has tended to reject such truth when Insiders have leaked it. They have created the money which was supposed to be owned by the nations using it, illegally lent it to them, and then charged them onerous illegal interest for folks using what should have been their own money in the first place. All we need is an honest US Department of Justice which has been compromised ever since 1913 when these City of London Banksters took over the American Monetary Production and distribution system and set up illegal practices including pernicious usury charged to We The People for using what was still actually our own money. These City of London Banksters aka the Rothschild World Zionists have been a very crafty bunch. And it was announced that even in England, home of the City of London Financial District where the Rothschild’s Banksters run their system out of, has now organized talks on how money is manufactured and distributed and if it is being done effectively. This is an historical first and shows that everybody around the whole World has had enough of the Rothschild’s unimaginable evil imposed on them. Some believe that a few of the more sensitive Bankers in the UK who are shareholders of the Bank of England are getting afraid of the coming pitchforks and are attempting to come clean and be part of an equitable solution. What is the incredible Evil that these Banksters have created and unleashed on the world to further their Agenda which is now known to be a completely Anti-human Agenda? Their Agenda is now known because Insiders have leaked accurate information that the Agenda of these World Banksters is to minister mass painful death and destruction, repeated major wars and now perpetual wars, and a program of sinister practices of programmed Eugenics, mass Mind-Kontrol by ultra high-tech Psychotronics, accompanied by massive soft-kill and hard-kill programs. Many now wonder how such a few Men were able to get control over the most of the World’s Monetary Production and Distribution and have been able to hijack History. But an even more difficult matter to understand is why such men just happen to be the most Evil creatures that ever walked the face of the earth caring only for themselves and their anti-human mass Death and Human suffering Agenda. The rest of the World has already figured this out, that the Rothschild System and their chief Cutout the Federal reserve System has generated a phony money Debt-Bomb comprised of a worldwide Web-of-Debt and is now working to de-couple from the Rothschilds and their Federal Reserve System. The Banksters are attempting to counteract this by goading President Putin and Russia into a nuclear WW3 which would provide suitable cover and advance their plan to mass-murder up to 90% of the World Populace and aid their installation of their NWO Ruler in Jerusalem, which was the same dream of the Teutonic Zionists aka the First Crusaders. The Rothschilds are viewed as the New Crusaders by Intel Insiders for their obsession with acquiring control over Jerusalem and all of Palestine and the setting up of their own private nation state called Israel in 1947. Please be careful when browsing youtube use caution beware of apostate material.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:13:02 +0000

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