FOR THE SUSPICIOUS SOUL A suspicious mind is always ill-at-ease - TopicsExpress


FOR THE SUSPICIOUS SOUL A suspicious mind is always ill-at-ease and spotting hidden meanings nobody else even considers are there. It can be a devastating way to live, viewing the world through a hyper-vigilant lens, and left unchecked, suspicious thinking can evolve into a paranoid personality disorder, a state in which you may not even think you have a problem but you will be aware that there is something not fulfilling about your approach to life. When unfounded suspicious behavior results in small things being blown out of proportion, your mind is in a constantly nervous state and you lose the mental energy that could be put to more productive and creative uses. Even worse is the reality that others around you at home, in the workplace, and anywhere else, can find dealing with your suspicious nature irritating and sometimes even confronting or threatening. Sometimes being natural and letting the moment pass by for what it really is helps you to see life as being more natural and bearable, while at the same time preserving your sanity and not testing the patience of others. #growthnote
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:23:10 +0000

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