FORCES OF DESTINY - PART 11: KNOWLEDGE! You must have heard - TopicsExpress


FORCES OF DESTINY - PART 11: KNOWLEDGE! You must have heard that knowledge is power; well, I think theres no better way to define knowledge. Everyone that wants to make it to the edge must know what it takes to get to the edge. knowledge puts you ahead and gives you a new edge. Dr Abraham Lincoln said It takes fifty dollars to cut, and a whole hundred dollars to KNOW where to cut. That means; knowledge is better than hard labour or physical strenght. A civil engineer may bid for a project to build a house, but he may not even be among the laborers. Hed probably do the thoughts, while the laborers do the works. The bible says a wise man is strong; but a man with knowledge increases strenght. The strenght of man is not determined by his physic or physical fitness, no! Its determined by his mentality! If youre mentally strong, youd be fit for battle - your physic notwithstanding. The difference between you and that man that appears to be ahead of you is knowledge; knowledge does not need a contest or a vote to give you an edge; it naturally enthrones whoever is well informed. You cant have knowledge and have a knot-end, people who are open to knowledge always have an hope-filled end. Knowledge is the key! The difference between a success and a failure is not that the successful person didnt fail, no! But that he sought for knowledge to strike again. Knowledge brings gain, if youre not gaining anything then you dont have knowledge of anything. No knowledge is a waste; any knowledge you despise will one day return to bite you! Dont say I dont need to know that, or I dont need to know this, or I cant know everything; instead say I need to know all I can know!. If you can know it then go ahead and know it! There was nothing that Jesus didnt know when He was on earth, He was all-knowing! If Jesus knew everything, who told you that you cant know many things! No knowledge comes to you by chance; the fact that you came across it is a pointer that you can know it! Please understand me; it is knowledge that has brought you to where you are today, it is the same knowledge that will take you further! When you dont know what next to do, knowledge is what to do! If you want to have an edge, then you have to seek knowledge! The reason why you feel empty is because youve not filled yourself with knowledge. The reason why youre short of words is because youre short of knowledge. The reason why you dont know what to do is because you dont have knowledge of what needs to be done! When you have knowledge youd know what to think! The reason why many people dont think is because they dont have knowledge! Many people are destroyed, not because of their sins, but because they lack knowledge. If the lack of knowledge is powerful enough to destroy, then the presence of it should command endless exploits! I think I should stop here! May God give us understanding! Inspired By: The Holy Spirit
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 07:20:58 +0000

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