FOREST TORIES FAVOUR VILLAGES – AT TOWNS EXPENSE Wealthy conservative voters, living in large homes in the leafy lanes of New Forest villages like Brockenhurst, Sway and Beaulieu are set to enjoy a very nice tax break at the expense of larger towns like Totton & Hythe. Changes to the way council tax benefits are funded nationally, have meant that New Forest District Council was given an annual £403,000 from central government. It is expected that this sum of money be shared out to town and parish councils. However, the ruling conservatives on the District Council have decided that they will no longer pass on this sum, but keep it all, reducing it progressively over the next three years. The impact will be very marked, forcing Town Councils who have signicant numbers of benefit claimants to raise council tax for residents. Councillor Chris Harrison, Leader of the Liberal Democrat opposition group on New Forest District Council, says “ I suppose people expect the Tories to look after the rich, but this is a stark example. Its the opposite of Robin Hood. They are taking from the poor, to give to the rich”. Hythe District Councillor, Malcolm Wade says “ This is going to create serious problems for Town & Parish Councils. They are much smaller than District Councils and it simply isnt possible to make the level of savings needed to balance budgets”. Totton Councillor, David Harrison says “ Its daylight robbery. The District is receiving this money for a specific purpose, to compensate for the loss of income following changes to the way council tax benefits are funded. Its the towns and parish councils that are losing out, not the more rural parts of the New Forest, where there are relatively few benefit recipents”. Even local conservative Councillors are at a loss to explain why the Tory Cabinet has decided to do this”. The decision was made at a meeting of New Forest District Councils Cabinet on 2nd October and confirmed by full council on 21st October. The report says the views of towns and parishes will be sought in the coming weeks. Councillor Chris Harrison adds “I have never heard of a Council making a decision like this and consult afterwards. Its crazy, completely the wrong way around.”
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 19:54:26 +0000

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