FORGIVENESS AND LOVING OF SELF AND OTHERS When I was first baptized into the church, I had such a poor image of myself that I felt so unworthy for things that had happened to me and wrongs I had committed throughout my life, Then when I lived in Rose Park in Salt Lake County, Utah, a member told me about this quote and I read it and it gave me peace to know that I will not be held accountable for all things that I have done if it was the result of something else or someone other than me.. I would like to give to you the one key that there is that will give each person on earth peace no matter what conditions or situations anyone may be in. In the book, “Jesus the Christ,” by James E. Talmage, in Footnote 2 of Chapter 3, it states: (and I shall quote the entire footnote for truths sake) it reads, MAN FREE TO CHOOSE FOR HIMSELF. --- “The Father of souls has endowed His children with the divine birthright of free agency; He does not and will not control them by arbitrary force; He impels no man toward sin; He compels none to righteousness. Unto man has been given freedom to act for himself; and, associated with this independence, is the fact of strict responsibility and the assurance of individual accountability. In the judgment with which we shall (all) be judged, all the conditions and circumstances of our lives shall be considered. The inborn tendencies due to heredity, the effect of environment whether conducive to good or evil, the wholesome teachings of youth or the absence of good instruction – these and all other contributory elements must be taken into account in the rendering of a just verdict as to the soul’s guilt or innocence. Nevertheless, the divine wisdom makes plain what will be the result with given conditions operating on known natures and dispositions of men, while every individual is free to choose good or evil within the limits of the many conditions existing and operative.” –Great Apostasy, page 21. See also Articles of Faith, 3:52-53. We are commanded to, “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged, condemn not and, ye shall not be condemn; forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.” (Luke 6:37) There is no one on earth who knows themselves or anyone else so perfectly that they can judge themselves or others for what they think, do or say. The old adage of ‘walk a mile in my moccasins before you judge me’ is true. We do not know anyone including ourselves enough to truly punish or reward a person for their actions or words. Only God knows us and knows what has happened throughout our entire life to be able to say that we are to be forgiven or pay for what we have done. We do not know the “truth of all things” as God does. So friends, do not judge yourself in things you have done wrongly. Forgive yourself in everything and give yourself permission to move forward in your life with God’s love surrounding you. May God bless each of us for the times we belittle ourselves or others without knowing why. I testify that God is the only one who can judge righteously for what happens to us and what happens because of us, and that won’t happen until we pass through the Veil. So forgive yourselves and all others and be at peace! In Jesus Christ’s loving and forgiving name, Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 05:24:02 +0000

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