FORMER AAG LEAVES FOR HOME AFTER A STINT IN PALAU Tia Belau. June 2nd, 2014. It is time to say good-bye to an American lawyer and her two children and friend to Palau. Sara Bloom has assisted Palau as an attorney in so many realms of Palau government. Ms. Bloom came to Palau as an attorney for the former Vice-President Kerai Mariur and as Assistant Attorney General working as Palau’s tax attorney and as civil litigation for the ROP. She represented the ROP and former President Johnson Toribiong and Vice-President in notorious cases, Alan Seid vs. ROP and Johnson Toribiong, the Senate of Emergency case, in which she filed the Motion to Dismiss arguing to the Constitutionality of the former President’s declaration of the State of Emergency as a result of the destruction of the Aimeliik Power Plant and Tommy Remengesau (one of five Plaintiffs in their individual capacities) vs. ROP and Johnson Toribiong and Kerai Mariur (involving the agreement between the U.S. and Palau over the retention of the Guantanamo Bay detainees, i.e., Uyghurs) and filed a Motion to Dismiss in this case which was ultimately dismissed as against the ROP and the officials in their official capacities by Acting Attorney General Perry Kendall unbeknownst to the former President and Vice President leaving them in the case in their individual capacities. These actions subsequent to Ms. Bloom’s departure as well as other actions by Perry Kendall and AAG Craig Refner have spurred Former President to lodge ethics complaints against the Attorney General’s office and against Kendall and Refner. After the change in administration, Ms. Bloom was forced to leave after three of her colleagues were ousted out of the AG’s office by AG Victoria Roe. In addition, AG Roe promoted her friend and former U.S. colleague Brentley Foster gave them both additional benefits, i.e., housing allowance and increased annual leave and pay, and on the flip side, refused to give the former AAG’s the same benefits. Both former AG Roe and Ms. Foster have left Palau. After Ms. Bloom’s stint with the Attorney General’s office, Ms. Bloom worked as General Counsel for National Development Bank of Palau, Legislative Counsel for the House of Delegates, and currently as Counsel for the current Vice-President. “My children and I have thoroughly enjoyed this incredibly beautiful island and will deeply miss Palau and all of our friends that we have made here. I am lucky to have had this wonderful opportunity and the opportunity to work with so many of you,”says Ms. Bloom.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 17:45:37 +0000

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