FQ: Hello. Im not quite sure if this is a question or just advice - TopicsExpress


FQ: Hello. Im not quite sure if this is a question or just advice and feedback. I just need to reach out. I am 32 wk 4 days. I am blessed that I get the most prenatal care my whole pregnancy Ive been seen bi-monthly. Currently twice a week. I have diabeties type 2, before I was pregnant it was controlled with diet and exercise. Once I got pregnant it went out of control and I am now insulin dependent. It has been a struggle the entire time with my sugars being insanely high. My dosage of insulin has increased dramatically. My baby is taking a hard hit from me being diabetic. At 32 weeks he is 6 lb 15 oz, his stomach is measuring as if he were 38 weeks. They are inducing me in a little over 4 weeks, that is 3 weeks before my due date. Yesterday was a very hard doctor visit. They stressed to me that the effect of my diabeties on my baby is a higher risk of him being born still born. Babies born to diabetic mothers their lungs develop slower, while his stomach is developing so much faster. Unless he shows any abnormal signs with ultrasound and NST they will not take him any sooner than 37 weeks. I am crushed, broken hearted and carrying more guilt than you can imagine. I have done everything they I should be doing to control my diabeties yet because of me he still suffers. I also dont understand if the risk of still born is so high why would they chance it, why not take him sooner while there still is a good chance. They say the bedt place for him is inside of me but I just cant shake the feeling of waiting too much longer that it will be too late. Sorry this is so long just wanted to try and. Cover the whole situation. Thank you for any advice and ask for prayers.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:02:51 +0000

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