FQ:PLEASE POST! DESPERATE! My step son is 6, shortly turning 7. 2 - TopicsExpress


FQ:PLEASE POST! DESPERATE! My step son is 6, shortly turning 7. 2 years ago he was diagnosed with aspergers. He has always been difficult, but not too the extent he has been lately. Hes back talking, hitting himself when he gets enraged, screaming and accusing other children of things. Nothing drastic or any changes have happened in our lives recently. I should add his paternal mother is in his life, and had shared parenting with my husband, his father. She was diagnosed years ago with bipolar disorder. Do you think its possible for him to have this as well? He is very sweet and loving and goes to mean and hateful in a matter of minutes.sometimes the change occurs several times a day. We have a reward and punishment system, and has a fairly routine daily schedule; at least while in our home. Nothing seems to be going with his behavior. Do any other parents have an autistic child with similar circumstances? Please help!!! His father and I are at the end of our rope. His behavior results in his father yelling(which weve spoke about) and thats not good for anyone to hear, especially our 20 month old daughter. Id love to hear any advice from anyone who has similar circumstances...thank you in advance.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 06:44:26 +0000

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