FREE Solar Panels Solar PV (photovoltaic) systems convert light - TopicsExpress


FREE Solar Panels Solar PV (photovoltaic) systems convert light energy into electricity and generate income for you via the Government’s Feed-in Tariff. The power generated is fed directly into the electricity system of the property. Once installed, a Solar PV (Photovoltaic) system provides electricity with no carbon emissions, and requires virtually no maintenance over its lifetime. The systems we use are easy to install and have a 25 year performance warranty. A typical installation on a 3 bed semi may cost in the region of £5,000 – £7,500 but should generate over £750 per annum in Feed-in Tariff and savings on your electricity bills. All income generated from the Feed-in Tariff is tax free and index linked for 20 years. Financial Incentives for installing Solar PV The Feed-in Tariff scheme was launched on 6th April 2010, and is designed to incentivise investment in Solar PV (Photovoltaic), Wind Turbines and Hydro, by providing a guaranteed long-term financial return. There are three ways the government-backed Feed-in Tariff system can benefit you: • The Generation Tariff provides a minimum subsidy for every kWh of electricity your system produces. For Solar PV (Photovoltaic) installations up to 4kWp in size, this is set at 14.38p from 1st April 2014. • The Export Tariff can be earned by exporting excess electricity back to the National Grid. You can earn 4.77p for each kWh exported. • Savings on your energy bill, through generating a significant amount of your electricity yourself. As we are not tied to any one manufacturer we give you professional unbiased advice, we prefer to use equipment which has a proven track record. Other companies may try and reduce costs by using cheaper materials but we will always specify the best equipment your budget will allow. We specialise in offering you a tailored solution. There are three ways to fund your Solar system: 1) Pay for the system yourself- This is by far the best option if you can afford to as you will receive all the pay-outs from the Feed In Tariff. 2) Lease the system using Energy Efficiency Financing- We can access Energy Efficiency Financing through our partnerships allowing you to lease your new solar PV system and use your FIT rewards to cover the lease payments. 3) Opt for a free solar installation where you will benefit from the energy bill savings – which can still add up to a considerable sum, you will sacrifice the lucrative payments from the governments FIT to pay for the system and maintenance. Contact us today to find out more about Solar PV and the products and services we offer. or call 0191 265 9070 Simple :)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:28:44 +0000

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