FREE THOSE STUDENTS OR BEAR THE CONSEQUENCY For the past thirty years, we’ve been fighting our way back from an historic economic crisis – one caused by breathtaking irresponsibility on the part of the Biya regime that treated our financial system like self enrichment machinery. Not only did that behavior destroy Cameroon’s financial system – it cost an everlasting economic degradation in Cameroon, hurt the lower-class families, and turn young people into street beggars, increase crime waves and corruption has now capitalize the nation. Since then, the regime has created a commission to look into the corrupt practices of regime barons, but so far the focus has been on potential rivals of the head of state. Many of them have been thrown in jail and some even convicted but nothing is said to Cameroonians about the monies recover from these former regime barons. The properties they acquired with taxpayers hard earned wages are still under their names or that of their relatives- the question is what is exactly the reason behind this commission and court? Is it to keep Biya in power and protect his legacy? Or to destroyed any political rival of his? His strategy has been working well and the international community is buying his dirty tricks. And we Cameroonians cannot even put in place a simple front to stop one individual from destroying our fatherland; but we seat every day and pray to God to help us , some even carry banners and be demanding that President Obama help remove Paul Biya from power what a shame. Let me make this clear America has her own problems and she is not interested in solving Cameroon’s problems. Cameroonians has to look for solution to their problems themselves. We need reform with smarter, tougher, commonsense rules that serve one primary purpose: to prevent the Biya regime from crippling the country and to prevent it activities from ever happening again in Cameroon. There is only one way to get this to happen through a constitutional reform. Recently, we’ve seen what is happening in Brazil and their government is carrying out the necessary reforms they did not seat and wait for America to help them nor did they ask the United Nations for help – they did what they have to do to bring about change their way and it is working. We recently discover through reliable diplomatic sources that the idea of killing demonstrators by most of these presidents who have been in power for long is out dated now- we found out that a big mistake Biya can make now is to shot and kill a single demonstrator in any riot a good example now in Cameroon is the riot in the Buea University as compare to the past riots. The government will play it safe and used the court system to silent the students and to set an example that others will follow. Secondly the government uses the Rapid Intervention Brigade to terrorize demonstrators and scares them from assembling, they carry guns though loaded but are under strict instructions not to kill as they the government can take any such negative publicity again. The bitter truth here is that in the eyes of the international community Biya is a successful president whether you agree with me or not and Cameroon is peaceful with democracy flourishing- this statement can be justify by the statement issue by the US secretary of state to Cameroon during the twentieth may celebration. Are we going to let those students thrown in prison for expressing their right to freedom of expression That’s why it’s so important that Cameroonians stand on the side of those students and pressure the government to release them unconditionally or their arrest and detention be used as a starting point for change in Cameroon. We can’t afford to live in an era of weak institutions and little oversight of the future; where excessive risk-taking by students to better the situation is rewarded by long prison sentences – we can keep righting the wrongs of this regime by calling on the international community do something for us we have to at least start then help will come. We’ve got to keep moving forward. Cameroon can only prosper when we meet our obligations to one another; and to future generations. If you agree with me, call your friends, brothers and sisters. Tell them to spend less time spying against one another for the regime and spend more time actually working to strengthen the country by involving in the fight for change. Thanks and have a great week. Interim Head of Change J.A.M
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 14:22:04 +0000

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