FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY OVER MIND, BODY, SOUL. _THE COST OF PERFECTION... WHY DO THEY TRY SO HARD TO END FREEDOM? I have several answers to that question. The people who run the people who run things want to own everything.To them, freedom is another thing to own. So they want it. And they want it all for themselves. Second, they realize that people who have freedom will not want the kind of world being lowered on them, and with freedom, those rebels may just find a way to keep the planned future from happening. So…better to close all doors. The people who run things from the top believe that freedom can be owned, because they can’t think of anything that can’t be owned. That’s their view. That’s the way they see life and the world. That puts them at a strategic advantage. They focus all their energies on buying and selling. The holdouts among us are those who have values that can’t be displayed like cars in a showroom. Values that can’t be argued for in commercial language. Values that are ultimately non-material. Holding the value of freedom gives us one advantage. We’re not competing against similar products in the marketplace. We’re competing against one thing only: slavery (mental or physical). In one way or another, I have been writing about mind control(psychological warfare). It’s the doorway into slavery. It’s an attempt to wipe out everything that freedom means—most of all, how much it means. Whatever humans can accomplish, the platform for it is liberty. To say that freedom carries too much potential for abuse is like arguing that oceans are too dangerous and should be outlawed. Behind every good thing you or I or anyone has accomplished, there was the space of freedom. It’s almost a truism, it’s so obvious. But because it’s so obvious, we tend to ignore it. Now, strong advocates of freedom are looked upon, by the government (its apologists and advocates), as potentially dangerous people. They are demeaned in every possible way. If that doesn’t give you a clue about where government is heading, try reading the piece of paper called the Constitution, and then compare the statements in that document with the present scope of government and come to a decision. As an aside, try finding a serious college course that does exactly that comparison in great detail. Good luck. Freedom is out; the collective is in. Our petty leaders, the dupes and mules for the future over the hill, are humping the ultimate prize, freedom, which they will lay at the feet of their masters. They will do it gladly, because they can sell all the programs and systems and laws and regulations that add up to no-freedom. It’s easy. They believe it’s workable. And the less freedom that exists, they more power they, the dupes, have, and the bigger their principalities. They’re mercenaries. Here’s a principle you won’t find in a college economics course: the free market can only exist when the participants have non-material values that conspire to produce good relations among people. In the absence of that, anything and everything can be bought and sold, including the right to be free. This, of course, ties in with the elite philosophy of ownership. If we give up our values, some distant future historian will write: “Those people believed in a myth of great men who had much money, much power. Demi-gods. The demi-gods appeared and approached the people with an offer. Sell us your freedom. What is your price? And the people named a price and the bargain was struck. The people were satisfied. They reasoned that what they were trading was a thing, an item, a kind of product, which, were it not for the demi-gods, could never be sold. In a way, the people were mesmerized by what they had been able to accomplish with that sale. Ironically, they were so deluded because they had allowed themselves to grow fat on freedom…” Mind, body, soul, imagination, and love all exist on the basis that freedom is there—or if it isn’t, it must be fought for. WAKE UP WORLD!!! Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. -William Pitt, 1783; For, They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Ben Franklin, 1755; And, The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime, and the punishment of his guilt. -John Philpot Curran #Dangerousfreedom>>>peacefulenslavement #Mindfulindividualism>>>mindlesscollectivism
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 07:30:24 +0000

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