FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Here are some of the most FAQ’s - TopicsExpress


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Here are some of the most FAQ’s about this package and getting into this industry Question: How do I know that I will be able to make these products? You see, I dropped out of school last year and it all sounds too difficult and complicated for me. Answer: These manuals have been especially written with the complete beginner in mind. Everything is explained in simple terms. If you can do 6th class mathematics and can follow step-by-step instructions, then you will have no problem whatsoever. Question: Do I need any prior skills in chemistry? Answer: No, you do not need any skills, previous knowledge or experience to be able to manufacture these products and operate this business. Question: Can an average person make money in this business? Answer: As I have said before, if you simply follow the instructions as laid out for you, you will have no problem whatsoever. Anyone who will be able to commit to make the right products can make money in this business. Question: Where will I get the raw materials from? Answer: The raw materials that you will need to make your products are very easy to source in the chemical manufacturing industries that you will find in this very manual. The chemical mentioned are as common to chemical manufacturing as flour, eggs, milk and sugar are to baking. The manual contains information showing you where from and how to get your raw materials. Question: What about packaging and labelling? Answer: You will also be able to find the details on sources packaging and product labelling in this manufacturing manual. Question: Aren’t the formulas very expensive? And will the formulas allow for making top quality products? Answer: Our formulas are all made from scratch. Only raw materials are used, producing top quality products. In fact these very formulations have been bought and used by different Government Departments and institutions. Question: What happens if I run into a manufacturing problem and need help or advice? Can I contact you? Answer: The author and the team of researchers are always eager for you to succeed. We are more than willing to help you with technical assistance as well as other queries you might have. Question: I’m convinced about this business but if too many people get into it, won’t the market become flooded? Answer: That is highly unlikely as these are necessary, consumable items used in every household and industry worldwide. The market is absolutely enormous. The particular market you decide to focus on will determine which products you will manufacture. It is highly unlikely for any two readers to manufacture identical products to the same markets in the same region. Your product will be entirely unique as a result of your chosen colour; fragrance and the branding you give it. This can also be further enhanced by other specifics you decide for your product such as foaming, viscosity or thickness. Question: This business sounds like an answer to my prayers, a dream come true. What is the catch? Answer: The catch is that you must be prepared to do something! Like any business, to make it work you have to work at it. This is a serious business that demands your commitment as any other business. Do not expect to become a millionaire overnight as this is impossible in any business; only winning the lottery can do that for you. In this business, like in any other, you must be prepared to invest a certain amount of effort to reap its great rewards. If you are not prepared to do this then save your money and don’t buy start. Question: How come you are prepared to share the Trade Secrets of the manufacturing industry? Aren’t you scared of competition? Answer: The market is too enormous for anyone to be worrying about competition. Man can only succeed by helping others succeed. Question: Is manufacturing these products safe? Answer: As long as you take the necessary safety precautions and use normal common sense as with any activity it is safe. This manual contains further information and safety guidelines to follow. Question: I’m concerned about our environment, are these products biodegradable? Answer: These products are manufactured primarily from biodegradable ingredients that conform to the African standards. Question: What equipment is necessary and will it cost a lot? Answer: As explained before you don’t need to invest in expensive machinery to start-up. You can get everything you need to start for about 6, 500, - KES ($80). As your business begins to grow, you may wish to invest in mechanical mixers which will make mixing big quantities much easier. Questions: I don’t want to quit my job. All I want is a bit of extra income. Is this possible? Answer: It is certainly possible, but it all depends on the amount of customers you decide to take on. You can only accommodate a few small clients when working in you spare time or you can take on some larger clients and, if you don’t have the time, you can get someone to work for you on a temporary basis whenever a bigger order comes in. Questions: How long does it take to get started? Answer: This depends on how much time you have available to spend on the business. You are strongly recommended to read through all the material and fully acquaint yourself with the manufacturing process.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:37:12 +0000

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