FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS I can attend short-term programs not - TopicsExpress


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS I can attend short-term programs not less than 6 months? As a rule is, however, short-term training program for less than 6 months you hardly obtain a student visa v your study plan is not permanent. In this case you should apply for a visa to travel more easily accepted. May submit them to learn, and trades in Canada What does? Canadas education system is similar to VN, with levels from elementary school, high school, college, University and postgraduate courses as Graduate, Masters, PhD. Most schools in Canada is the sum should be met by all the industries in which international students wishing to attend. Canada will accept younger students do not? Canada welcomes all students worldwide even younger students, but they are too small for families to prepare th psychologist for children and it is best to have relatives in Canada to help them ease the process of integration in the community and care for the children of problem eating and learning. Degree of Canda has recognized all over the world? The diplomas, certificates and degrees of Canada are recognized worldwide so students can easily transition to school as well as for employment in countries other than Canada. There submit them to ask about the language? In the th high school diploma asked Canada not to go for English students, but most of them have degrees in English rather submit them outweigh the others, when they are going to Canada to attend the test math and English, and submit them to classify placement. In Career Colleges, Universities and Higher th mandatory student must be in English TOEFL or IELTS international, depending on each case will have specific requirements for the score. However, in case the student can not take the exam in English in Vietnam th to Canada can also attend English (ESL) 1 year later a new course in the school official. Learning to get by how long it takes? Depending on the program, discipline and academic plans that have different learning time. Usually 2 to 3 years College, University of 3- 4 years. Besides, there are also courses from 1.5 - 2 years depending on the sector. Tuition how? The cost of studying in Canada are not too expensive, about $ 10 thousand Secondary CAN, College from $ 11 - $ 12 thousand CAN, University 3- $ 18 thousand $ 1 CAN. (The cost of learning may vary from time to time) Inexpensive accommodation in Canada like? Cost of living in CAN ranging from $ 8,000 - $ 10.000CAN, this longer depending on the region and the living conditions of students. May apply for scholarships? Scholarships input of Canada is very small, usually th you will win a scholarship Once a year at the school. Also, to master th grade you can contact 322 scholarship program of the Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam to understand and subscribe tm competition in this scholarship program. There need not purchase health insurance? The student should you buy insurance for the duration of living in Canada, should understand that the insurance is valid only if the time at school. All other cases like the kids in Canada earlier start dates or travel where the risk th will not be indemnified. Invite your reference insurance information at the website It is possible to work during school? You can work in or out of school during the official course time is 20 hours / week, th high school are not allowed to work. However, the main purpose of the study is to achieve high academic results so you should consider to do more work does not affect the learning of MNH. Can stay in Canada to work for at how long? From May 4/2008, the new policy of the Government of Canada th after you graduate program Colleges or Universities will be at the Canadian work is 3 years irrespective of the province. I have the right to school? According to the principle that no matter What does in regards to transfer, but you can lose the initial deposit of old school (if any). Time records how long? Usually the student visa application you will be the next 5 receipt date 3 months after the results, but general-visual th is about 2 months youve got the answer. Time profiling longer fast or slow depending on the quality and quantity of applications submitted to. I had to undergo an interview when applying for a visa? Depending on the record that the consulate will require you to have an interview or not, but if the file you have paid into the burner, it is clear th ability to interview is not very high. I have submitted a dossier to study Canada has more than three months for the grandchildren, but so far only received notice of the IOM health care. So I want to know the current situation for the record I have on any website? I took the but every error is no record. According to self-submit them at th visa after receipt Consulate will ask students to interview or physical examination. And depending on the profile will have its own requirements as well as the differences between time and results-level review. Currently website will reflect the situation for the function of student records after submitting to the Consulate. · I graduated from the University of specialized information technology honors. I have aspirations for graduate study in economics, namely MBA. Please consult with my case, the possibility to study in Canada like? If you are studying in Canada I need What does the condition to be accepted? In order to study MBA in Canada you need to prepare point English TOEFL or IELTS international as well as work experience of at least 2 years. Where there is no English th to Canada can also learn English before entering the formal courses. My daughter is studying in Australian schools, grade 10. After finishing Year 12 and want to study th University in Canada have been accepted? What conditions? Summer in Australia from Canadas six summer months, such obstacles What does not? If students want admission into Canada th September at the end of February is expired to get the school to tell students be aware of this. Where to apply for the school that is not enough to submit th point students will add later. On the issue of immigration procedures th Canadian students have returned to Vietnam to do · I graduated from high school five years ago, now I want to study in Canada in a form of self-design colleges. I have heard information is absent from school for a long time like th opportunity to achieve very low visa, this true? If youve graduated from high school 5 years ago and now have to go to study Canada u th you need to prove to the school and the Consulate of Canada said that in recent years th What does your school or work What does where can be based on the work you are doing at the same time consider the transcript of your ordinary period that the Canada school will finally have an answer for you. The messages youve received at the Canada School of th for the Canadian Consulate What does not have any questions. It is important that you choose to study the industry and time you would like to learn or do not have the burners and plan your studies in Canada have a clear or alone. · If I go to learn English less than six months th how my chances? When all th time learning English I can not ask a Junior College? Likely not? I have relatives in Canada, so I feel safe and comfortable for me when choosing a place to study Canada. In case you through Canada to learn English than 6 months lock-visual th overall study plan is not permanent, you must apply for courses on new one-year visa th learned. You should not wait for completion of courses in English th new college admission, you should apply for both parallel courses in English and the primary key by submitting additional transcripts most recent 3 years for the review. With this field please forward Consulate see your learning is the burner. Having relatives in Canada is convenient for you in the process of integration with the new country and What does not affect the outcome of your visa documents. I want to know the lowest possible age to Canada to study is how much? Canada can learn from elementary school to school? If not let me know th at th age study in Canada the best? What does need to be prepared when I go abroad (financial ability, language ...) In Canada there are educational levels similar to Vietnam and they also receive elementary school students to study abroad. However, most children this age are very small for longer independent learning as well as the process of adapting to a new life is relatively difficult, it is often the primary school children to study th should have the relative guardianship and care. With school age ie in level 3 is appropriate for ages to study, in the third year of high school in Canada (grade 10 -11 -12) they will learn the language, career-oriented, determined the ability and interest to be selected for MNH a College or University commensurate If high school students in Canada Canada not go th the English Language submit them to ask, but if you have more capital th english quite easy to acquire articles and integration with the community. As for financing, their parents will have to demonstrate a stable monthly income is over 35 million VND / month and bank account minimum is $ 25 thousand dollars. Part of the papers to prove specific financial th will depend on the professional activities of each student families. · I am in the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada was 8 months. Im planning to go to work and study paperwork for my sister to this. My sister is 19 years old, attending college in the city. My brother is not available in English. I have been studying the paperwork you do not? Or do I have to wait 2 years before Canada right paperwork was studying for my child? Please guide me what schools in Canada do not need English? Vietnam also the sister I could study for papers to Canada, the problem is demonstrated financial MNH where to stop. Most colleges and the University of Canada are required to submit them English levels, absence of th grade English course will into English first and then in formal courses. Most colleges have ESL courses for international students. Please refer to the website of the Canadian Education Centre in VN to the information fields in the region to learn or phone 08 3 9305875 for advice choosing a school. Im in grade 12. If after graduation exam that you will not pass through th Canadian secondary school programs to financial accounting will be done th em What does the paperwork to get away? I do papers where the cost of the procedure and to study how much? Normally to Canada to study the program after high school graduation th to 12. Besides the Canada without Intermediate level accounting and finance as you want to learn. Be the best you should now try to focus to compete for the graduate level 3 with good results. You can contact the Canadian Centre for Education in Vietnam (08 3 9305875) for advice and support free records. Press the Canadian general to ask you to submit transcripts most recent 3 years, diploma, diplomas and certificates in English or social activities, sports, culture (if any). Depending on each school will have its own requirements and different. · You are applying for a scholarship at the school in Canada and the required financial documentation to confirm that my parents income is not enough to pay for tuition. V you would like a full scholarship, so I made it clear that the reason for the condition you do not have, so they have verified the trailers. I want to know the identity Strengthening financial documents including documents What does th? You are able to apply for a student visa, no? If you have applied for a scholarship to the school of th em to demonstrate Canadas financial MNH families to the school and the Consulate of Canada in Vietnam trailers. Financial papers proving longer depending on their industry of each families. Usually proof include: letter certify service, employment wages parents, or the relevant documents to reflect the income of families. And you should make an award letter burners submit them to the profile for Peter MNH learning plans in Canada as well as the financial section to submit them to say more about the income of families is not enough to cover the schools em. Last letter saying I should wish to return VN working to help the parents MNH. Where necessary advice and more specific details please contact me toll after 08 3 9305875 or email address you [email protected]. I was studying fourth year University of Economics International economics. Next year he graduated from university, I want to record to get to Canada to study with masters degree in business administration. So I need What does the procedure? The steps how and if I can show how to apply for a scholarship? I heard the Ministry of Education has 322 scholarship program, so I can take the test or not? Want to participate in program implementation 322 scholarship where I need to contact? In order to study master degree in Canada you need to prepare the documents in English TOEFL or IELTS International is, as the school will have some specific requirements. Besides, if you have work experience as possible th. To apply for admission of the letter you just send the transcripts of the three most recent years by reason of their graduation diplomas and certificates in English, or equivalent documents and MNH benefit to Canada. If you do not have an English international th may also apply for English course before entering the MBA. Part of the scholarship input Canada is very small, usually th you want to apply for the scholarship you must have th time in school is one year, while new schools can assess your capabilities that provide learning scholarships. Currently the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has 322 scholarship program for masters degree, you can contact us at the following address to refer to how the contest. Department of Education and Training of 49 Dai Co Vietnam, Hanoi (in charge of program: Dr. Pham Xuan Tien) · You are expected to finish school 11 and 11 will go to study in Canada, Toronto states. So you have to submit them to the English? Do you have proof of funds, and if so how much th? To which secondary school children to have difficulty th What does not? I have relatives in Canada should not know What does affect the children to learn? For school level schools not go hi th degree in English, the Canada School will be teaching parallel programs for international students. The proof of funds is necessary sect families, parents need to demonstrate a stable monthly income is over 35 million VND and a bank account with a minimum of US $ 25,000. The study followed children into secondary education in Canada is often bnh What does and does not get stuck on the other hand you back the career orientation to easily determine preferences by reason of their work helps you easily applied in the field colleges or Universities Canada.Truong where they have relatives in Canada or not, this does not affect the outcome What does my profile. · Families in Central me, my son is currently studying the fifth year of Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine. I want after she graduated from college she will go to study in Canada. So I need you What does the condition? Medical schools in Canada have requested how not? I need proof of funds like? Let me know the basics and needed to go to study in Canada? Industry Medical CAN largely only students have studied medicine at least 4 years in the host country. Invite families refer to the information website or please provide the name of the city or want to learn to center field given specific names. Students should prepare undergraduate transcripts, diplomas and university level 3, with TOEFL or IELTS English, a letter of recommendation from teachers in schools Y. Demonstrate financial side giving the families must have a monthly income of over 40 trieuVND, bank account at least 30 thousand dollars. Canda is a multicultural country, students are easy integration while maintaining the traditional characteristics of MNH. General Press story is still needed immediate submit them educational level of students and the financial capacity of families deciding to study in Canada. (Note: The information answers the frequently asked questions may not be accurate at all times by because the procedure can change any)
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 11:28:37 +0000

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