FRIDAY 7 MARCH 2014. Potential high impact fundamental - TopicsExpress


FRIDAY 7 MARCH 2014. Potential high impact fundamental news. USD Change in Non-farm Payrolls (FEB) Monthly change in employment excluding the farming sector. Non-farm payrolls is the most closely watched indicator in the Employment Situation, considered the most comprehensive measure of job creation in the US. Such a distinction makes the NFP figure highly significant, given the importance of labor to the US economy. Specifically, political pressures come into play, as the Fed is responsible for keeping employment in a healthy range and utilizes interest rate changes to do so. A surge in new Non-farm Payrolls suggests rising employment and potential inflation pressures, which the Fed often counters with rate increases. On the other hand, a consistent decline in Non-farm Employment suggests a slowing economy, which makes a decline in rates more likely. USD Unemployment Rate (FEB) The US Unemployment Rate reflects the percentage of people considered unemployed in the United States. Unemployment is the single most popularly used figure to give a snapshot of US labor market conditions. Because the Federal Reserve is under strict pressure to keep unemployment under control, high unemployment puts downward pressure on interest rates, as the Fed will look to bolster the economy to remedy the employment situation. More generally, unemployment is indicative of the economys production, private consumption, workers earnings, and consumer sentiment. A lower unemployment rate translates into more employed individuals with paychecks, which leads to higher consumer spending, economic growth and potential inflationary pressures. Conversely, high levels of unemployment are connected with lower incomes, lower spending, and economic stagnation CAD Unemployment Rate (FEB) The percentage of people in the total - labor force without jobs but willing to work and are actively seeking employment. Lower unemployment bodes well for the economy, translating into more income-earning workers and greater consumption. While such increased expenditure accelerates economic growth, it can also heighten inflationary pressures. On the other hand, a higher unemployment rate tends to lead to lower consumer spending and a contracting economy. The Unemployment Rate is one of the most watch headline indicators of Canada s labour market CAD Net Change in Employment (FEB) The net change in the number of people employed in Canada . Increases in employment are generally accompanied by higher consumption and expenditure levels. At the same time, higher employment, consumption and expenditures may lead to heightened inflationary pressures that encourage central banks to tighten monetary policy. If the Bank of Canada were to raise interest rates, it would put upward pressure on the Canadian dollar. Because this is the main employment report in Canada it tends to have significant impact on the market. The headline figure is the change in employment in thousands
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 07:33:25 +0000

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