FRIDAY SERMON FOR 2ND DHUL-HIJJAH, 1435 A.H TOPIC: VIRTUES AND RECOMMENDED ACTS OF THE FIRST TEN DAYS IN DHUL-HIJJAH. All praises belong to Allah who has honoured the first ten days in Dhul-Hijjah with the day of Arafat that is full of blessings for sincere servants. Allah says: والفجر وليال عشر والشفع والوتر ... Q89: 1-3 “By the dawn, And (by) ten nights, And (by) the even (number) and the odd”…89 :1-3 We celebrate His praises and seek help and guidance from Him. We believe in Him and put our trust in Him. Whom Allah guides surely is guided and whom He misleads, surely you will find no one to guide or protect him. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah alone, and that the prophet Muhammad (SAW) is His servant and messenger, who said “there is no day wherein an act is more rewarding as the ten days (of Dhul hijjah) , increase therein the Tasbeeh, the Tahleel and the Takbeer”. O Allah! Bestow peace and blessings on him, his family, companions and the followers till the last day. Servants of Allah, I advise you and myself to fear Allah in consonance with the word of Allah thus: ...والتقوان ياْولى الألباب “And fear Me, O you men of understanding “Q2 vs 197 Brothers in Islam, this is the fourth week and the last in the month of Dhul Qa’dah, and Insha Allah, next Friday we shall be in the month of Dhul Hijjah, hence there is need to discuss the chosen topic this Friday, in order not to miss the great bounties that come with the period. Dear Muslims, praise be to Him who created the days and made the month of Ramadan the best month, Friday the best day, lailatul Qadr the best night and an hour on Friday its best hour. He also made the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah which is fast approaching the best that is full of blessing and status before Allah. It is a period Muslims make pilgrimage to Ka’bah for those with ability once in a life time, however the benefits of the ten days are jointly enjoyed by both pilgrims and non-pilgrims. Shaykh ibn Taymiyyah was asked about the most rewarding of the first ten days of Dhul hijjah and last ten days of Ramadan and replied: the days of the first ten days of Dhul hijjah are better than the last ten days of Ramadan while the nights of the last ten days of Ramadan are better than nights of first ten days in Dhul hijjah” Some of the virtues of the first ten days are: It falls within the month of hajj which is also one of the sacred months. The religion of Islam was completed in the month, and the Jew are envious. A Jewish priest said to Umar- (may Allah be pleased with him) “there is a verse in you book if it were to be revealed to us- Jews, we would have taken that day for feast, Allah says: this day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion” …Q5vs3 Umar said I know when was and where it was revealed; it was revealed on a Friday at Arafah” It is also the best day in the world, most beloved by Allah; acts therein are most beloved before Allah. Jabir narrated that the prophet (SAW) said: “the best days in the world are the first ten days of dhul hijjah, then some companions said; Are there none like them even in the way of Allah? He said: And there are none like them even in the way of Allah, except a man who soils his face in the sand”. Arafah day is also falls within the period of these ten days, as well as the night to be spent at Muzdalifah having left mount Arafah. The day of slaughtering which is considered by some scholars as the superior day of the year, is within the ten also, because it consists of mast of the rites of hajj including: stoning pebbles, shaving the head, slaughtering for those at hajj and non-pilgrims, tawwaf-al ifadoh, sa’y, Eid prayer. The prophet said: “the greatest day before ALLAH is the day of slaughtering then the day of rest at Muna (the 11th day of dhul hijjah). RECOMMENDED DEEDS IN THE FIRST TEN DAYS: Sincere repentance Allah says: وتوبو إلى الله جميعا أيها الموْمنون لعلكم تفلحون “And turn to Allah in repentance all of you O believers that you might succeed” Q9:31 Prayer : being early to prayer and hasten to be in the first row, making lot of supererogatory prayers, Thawbaan said: I heard the messenger of Allah peace be upon him said; make frequent prostrations before Allah, for you will not make one prostration without raising you a degree because of it, and removing a sin from you” Muslim narrated from umm salmah that the Prophet (SAW) said: ”when you sight the crescent of dhul-Hijjah, and one of you wishes to make sacrifice, he should abstain from cutting or shaving his hair and nails” All these above deeds are recommended for the Muslims during this period. May Allah make it easy for us, accept our ibadah and make us inmate of Al-jannah. ARABIC VERSION خلاصة خطبة الجمعة لمناسبة 2 ذو الحجة 1435م الموضوع: منافع الأوائل العشر الأيام ذى القعدة الحمد لله الذى فضّل الأوائل العشر الأيّام ذى الحجة بوقوف بعرفة القائل والفجروليال عشر والشّفع والوتر ونوْمن به من يهدى الله وهوالمهتدى ومن يضلل وهوالمضل ونشهد أن لاإله إلاالله وأن محمدا ورسوله صلعم. أيا عبادالله إتقوا الله هذا مصداقا بقوله ...والتقوان يأولى الألباب سورة البقرة 197 أيها الإخوان, اليوم نخطب على منافع الأوائل العشرالأيّام ذى الحجة ومستحبات العبادات وفضائل الأعمال فيها. سئل الشيخ بن تيمية عن فضائل الأعمال فى الأوائل العشر الأيام ّذى الحجة,والأواخر العشر الأيام رمضان, وقال الشيخ: الأوائل العشر الأيام ذى الحجة أفضل على الأواخر العشر الأيام رمضان, والليال رمضان أولى من الليل الأوائل العشرالأيام ذى الحجة . منافعها فيها أكمل الله الإسلام وأنزل هذة الأية ...اليوم أكملت لكم الإسلام... إلى الأخر سورة المائدة 3 . وهذا أفضل الأيام وأحب عندالله ويحب الله العبادات فيها . وفيها أنزل الله اليوم عرفة وليلة المزدلفة بعد وقوف بعرفة ويوم الأضحية ومنى والجمار فضائل الأعمال فيها التوبة نصوحا السعى إلى الصلاة والدعاء اللهم تقبل عبادتنا وقرباننا واجعلنا من المسلمين وأدخلنا الجنة مع الأبرار
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 09:22:40 +0000

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