FRIENDS OF ISRAEL: The reason why condemnation of child murder - TopicsExpress


FRIENDS OF ISRAEL: The reason why condemnation of child murder doesnt come easy If you’ve been following the recent horrific events in Gaza, and the depraved and premeditated murder of civilians including an unholy proportion of children, you may have noticed that one of the most incomprehensible aspects is the lack of open condemnation of these Israeli War Crimes from official governmental sources and mainstream media. Any mild criticism leveled at Israel from such quarters either lacks conviction, blames both sides (and thus paints the lie of an even conflict) – or much worse - blames the ordinary people, the children of Palestine (not just Hamas) for their own death. Have you ever just thought about this? Why such shallow and spineless reactions from Western Powers that present themselves as balanced and humane? One of the key reasons is the “Israeli lobbyists”. These are the groupings of shadowy figures that operate silently in the corridors of power: funding political parties, shaking hands, making deals, buying support, buying silence. These people have become so powerful in key stratums of western politics that, unquestionably, their money influences policy. In America this takes the form of The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) – a superpower in US affairs that many independent commentators say has a stranglehold on the US political system – in the UK we have the Friends of Israel, a massively influential movement that crosses political parties, the Israeli lobbyists make alliances, offer huge funding and get “friends of Israel” or rather political influence, biased words and silence when they need it - as a result. Let me focus here just on the UK set up. One of the key groupings in this regard is the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), over four fifths of all elected Tory MPs belong including almost all cabinet ministers – so almost all the policy makers are signed up as Conservative Friends of Israel – the muted response to Israeli War Crimes suddenly doesnt seem so incomprehensible… So how does this declared friendship with Israel play out? Well on a very recent trip to Israel David Cameron to rapturous applause announced: “Let me say to you very clearly: With me, you have a British prime minister whose belief in Israel is unbreakable and whose commitment to Israel’s security will always be rock solid [...] we will be with you every step of the way.” Cameron added that he and his government (with our taxes) would fight anyone calling on boycotts against Israel – Cameron also went out of his way to condemn what he called “despicable” rocket fire from Gaza into Israel – since that recent sycophantic meeting there has been no outright criticism of Israel from Cameron, despite the rising atrocity perpetrated against children by this inhuman Israeli regime. Indeed just a few days ago (July 22nd) in full knowledge of the sickening death toll of Palestine civilians and children in particular, Cameron, with one eye firmly on his Friends of Israel mustered all his humanity and announced: “I spoke to prime minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu again about this crisis last night. I repeated our recognition of Israel’s right to take proportionate action to defend itself, and our condemnation of Hamas’ refusal to end their rocket attacks “ British journalist Peter Oborne writing even before Israel’s most recent and horrific war crimes and acts of child murder, referred to the dangers of the CFI, and “the cowardice at the heart of our [the UK’s] relationship with Israel” – his next remark goes a long way to explaining the Tory-led government’s inability to openly criticise Israel – “80 per cent of all Tory MPs are members, including most Cabinet ministers. No other lobbying organisation – and certainly not one that acts in the interests of a foreign country – carries as much weight at Westminster. Every year, it takes a significant number of parliamentarians to Israel. Meanwhile, its sponsors play an important role in financing both the Tories nationally, and MPs at the local level. There is no doubt that the CFI has exercised a powerful influence over policy” Yes “a powerful influence” that involves a lot of Israeli cash from lobbyists and big money supporters filling Tory coffers - and thus we have an inability to find a voice to condemn their paymasters no matter what inhuman acts are carried out – instead we have spineless Tory MPs, that taxes pay for, staying silent worrying over their silly little careers, with the blood money in their coffers – this is what stops them from finding the common humanity to condemn child murder This must be what Cameron means when he says that his belief in Israel is unbreakable – he, and his CFI will stay faithful to Israel no matter how many children die in lakes of blood. Remember the peoples taxes are paying for these politicians, Oh and in case you thought it is only the Tories – these Friends of Israel lobbyists infiltrate governments and thus policy and response everywhere – I offer you Labour Friends of Israel (LFI): Again writing before the current atrocity in Gaza (so not a reactionary piece) independent political commentator Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, opens her piece by stating: “I can already hear the accusations of anti-Semitism because I dare to raise the question: Can someone explain what exactly is the role of the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) in our political life? And its twin, the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) too. In an open democracy, we are entitled to make such queries indeed, it is a duty” She goes on to offer insights into the scale of this infiltration: “Mendelsohn is a passionate Zionist and infamous lobbyist, described by the Jewish Chronicle as one of the best-connected power brokers. So we can assume LFI play[ed] a part in shaping our foreign policies in the Middle East […] The LFI take, by definition, has to be partisan. It exists to present the official Israeli view […] I would venture to suggest that Tony Blairs abject performance during the last Israeli assault on Lebanon was partly the result of the special relationship he had with LFI.” Finishing she states that we should never allow a government or a political party that is supposed to be WORKING FOR US to be bought and sold to another agenda – she calls it corruption: “It is astonishing that we have allowed [Israel’s influence] to spread through the corridors of power and infuse the air that breathed there. This corruption has no whiff, no colour. It is deadly and must now be stopped at source.” It’s time to wake up to all these dirty deeds done with blood money - where outrage and humanity are bought, sold, silenced, and directed. Wake up, read up, stand up and speak up. Dr Liam Campbell
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 20:43:52 +0000

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