FRIENDSHIP IN CHRISTIANITY Some Christians always love to claim - TopicsExpress


FRIENDSHIP IN CHRISTIANITY Some Christians always love to claim that the Quran forbids Muslims for befriending non-Muslims.After making this claim they conclude that this proves that Islam is a bad religion and is not peaceful. Lets ASSUME that Islam prohibits befriending of non-Muslims,how does that make Islam violent and not peaceful ? I personally chose to not associate myself with the saverall people;does that make me evil or violent ? And Something to think about why are these christians so eager to befriend us Muslims ? As their feelings are hurt that we arent (supposedly) allowed to be their friends ? Now after this you would THINK according to Christianity and the Bible that befriending non-believers is not forbidden.Christians have been so eager to argue against the Quran (supposedly) prohibiting friendship to non-Muslims that they have forgotten what their Bible says concerning this issue. The New Testament do the talking;- BE YE NOT UNEQUALLY YOKED TOGETHER WITH UNBELIEVERS:FOR WHAT FELLOWSHIP HATH RIGHTEOUSNESS WITH UNRIGHTEOUSNESS ? AND WHAT COMMUNION HATH LIGHT WITH DARKNESS ? AND WHAT CONCORD HATH CHRIST WITH BELIAL ? OR WHAT PART HATH HE THAT BELIEVETH WITH AN INFIDEL...? WHEREFORE COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM,AND BE YE SEPARATE,SAITH THE LORD (2Corr 6:14-17,See also 2John 1:9-11). Does this verse sound like friendship to you ? We see the New Testament strictly FORBIDDING christians from having friendship and marriage with non-believers,so will they apply thesame judgement on their own faith ? There is really nothing more to say but a last piece of advice to Christians Islamaphobes,dont throw stones when you live in a glass house!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:58:21 +0000

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