FROM A PERSPECTIVE, WHAT WILL IT MEAN IF ANOTHER PF CANDIDATE GOES TO STATEHOUSE???? Make no mistake about it, the whole of the international community has not only been watching but analyzing the undoubtedly humiliating and embarrassing post Michael Sata succession saga unfold. One thing I have come to learn about most people who are not black, and this is not racist and perhaps great credit to them, for them, it is what it is: Meaning, if it LOOKS LIKE A DUCK AND QUAKES LIKE A DUCK, THEN IT IS PROBABLY A DUCK....... As Zambians, we have been looking at the same drama as our friends outside, except our understanding and appreciation of how dangerous such grave institutional incompetence and lack of credibility can be, is a touch misplaced. To all those who think PF is still good for soup, I have news for you; and its not good news at all. Most of you have learned about PEST analysis and its significance in any business environment. Now, if you thought that was merely academics; watch how the P will bite away on the EST. Am saying this because those of us who understand have a duty to educate our brothers and sisters at home, the village and on the streets. If we dont, our job of helping them help themselves will just become ominously onerous. The P is for POLITICS i.e the leadership credentials, the institutions they subsequently built as pillars of governance. Politics are important because they determine the sort of laws we have, both from a judicial and business perspective. Corrupt leaders cannot make good laws, we have seen this happen in Zambia beginning with KK up to now. When the tenets of laws are compromised, you will have no economy; it just wont be there and if you dont believe me just try it. When the economy is dead, our social fabric will die with it as the need to survive will become primary. And when you are hungry, who will care about technology; or you will still be buying your Blackberry phones when you are hungry...........please. So,from an international perspective, the P in PEST has already been compromised. The following are most likely to happen if we send another PF guy to Statehouse: 1) Reduced FDI, both in form of capital loans and technology. I mean, which rational investor will overlook risk when he can see it. 2) Increased cost of borrowing owing to what is clearly exacerbated risk under PF 3) Kwacha will be undermined as forex becomes elusive. 4) The weak Kwacha will mean increased cost of production 5) Increased cost of production will mean high inflation and a loss of jobs as businesses will now be focusing on breaking even. 6) All of the above would ultimately lead to both Unions and social unrest, which if we not careful could totally jeopardize the peace of our country. This is not fiction, or fantasy, or academic; this can and will happen if PF goes to Statehouse again. Vote wisely #HH
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 10:03:55 +0000

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