FROM KARL DAVISON of SALFORD..This is by no means a comprehensive - TopicsExpress


FROM KARL DAVISON of SALFORD..This is by no means a comprehensive plan to start to fix Salford but it is basically what I would try to do in order to improve the dire situation we are in at the moment. I hasten to add this is not part of any manifesto or bid for a political career as I abhor politics in every way, shape and form. Political power should rest in the hands of the electorate and not politicians or businesses. 1. Reduced business rates for the first year for NEW start up companies wishing to set up in Salford on the understanding they employ 90% of staff from the local population. And then review rates to those companies based upon expansion and how many local jobs they supply. The more money the companies are encouraged to put into providing jobs then the better the local economy. 2. Hand over full control of the Childrens Holiday Camp to Salford Charitable Trust and restore as much funding as can be found to help alleviate the burden to those currently trying to fund raise. I would also open the camp up to scout groups and encourage local businesses to help contribute towards keeping the site open by offering to do repairs and maintenance. These companies would effectively be sponsors to the camp and would be free to advertise their involvement. 3. Start recovery of debts owed to the City by Salford City Stadium. Set at an affordable rate and with immediate effect. All monies recovered would be used in part to supply a small fleet of volunteer operated vehicles to transport Sal fords sick, elderly and disabled to and from hospitals etc. Any other monies recovered would be used to improve on the services to the most vulnerable of society. 4. The fracking debate would be put to a local public referendum at the 2015 elections and the Citizens would have a simple yes or no vote on the subject. Representation from both sides would be invited to publicly debate and put their arguments for and against across. This will help give a full and impartial view on the matter and allow the public to vote accordingly. Only then can any company wishing to partake in Hydraulic Fracturing in this City be able to claim they have social licence to operate as well as the backing from the population. This is an open and fair resolution to a controversial topic. No fracking or further licences to drill would be considered until after the vote takes place. 5. parking charges around local shopping districts would be made free for the first hour to encourage people to shop locally, one of the biggest reasons for many people travelling to out of town supermarkets is factoring the cost of a parking ticket into buying a few groceries. Many shops in the area are struggling simply because people refuse to pay to park up and walk down the street to browse in them. At the same time all parking charges at Salford Civic Centre would be removed for staff and a parking for 1 hour or less would be free of charge so enable people to access their council offices. Why one earth should workers have to pay for parking spaces on their employers car park? And why should people have to pay an extra parking charge when visiting to pay council tax etc. 6. The Mayors wages would be capped to the same level as any other average public sector employee at the council. The position is no more important than the roles that our police, fire and ambulance services, not to mention the vastly more important roles our NHS staff have. Any expenses incurred whilst doing the job would be limited as to transport, accommodation in budget hotels if the need arises to travel. Food and drink etc would not be covered as we all have to eat and drink no matter what and as part of every day life anyhow. 7. The position of Spin Doctors would be removed as they would not be needed if the Council were doing its job properly, they would have the backing of the electorate and in doing so it would be all the PR needed. As far as advertising the City is concerned this should be part of the job of the Mayor as our representative. Let us face facts that the current PR is abysmal as the Mayor is neither considered to be worth the wage nor doing a good enough job by most level headed people. 8. Salford has always had the benefit of people who are willing to donate time and energy into making it better for free, these people should be valued and given the chance to put that into action. local residents should be given the chance and encouraged to improve their areas and funding should be available to groups to accomplish this. 9. Social housing should be given priority in the City as it is most needed as the population expands. Not everyone is able to afford a mortgage and this is where Social Housing plays an important roll. I would propose to give over the land made vacant as a result of urban slum clearance for free to social housing providers to build eco friendly affordable rented accommodation upon. the provision for being able to build would be that they build properly insulated houses that take into account solar and wind powered technologies to enable residents to benefit from lower bills whilst at the same time reducing the Cities carbon footprint. I would pass on part of the council tax from such homes to the housing provider for 10 years to encourage them to invest in further homes and reduce the costs of rent. 10. Future building projects would be based upon how they benefit the people as well as the businesses. Investment into extending the metro link to other parts of the City should be explored. I am sure the people of Irlam would benefit from a direct link into both the rest of the City as well as into Manchester. In turn a tram service to the City Stadium would help relieve the burden from the already congested road system and expand travel for those wishing to go to see the matches. 11. Salford is a City without a City centre. I think we need one to be defined, there are various areas that already exist that could be declared out City centre but so far we can not as a City say we actually have one. We have a historic City Centre but sadly that has been left to rot over the years and so I think we need to move forwards and declare a new one that is within reach of everyone. 12. Any business claiming to be based in Manchester should have rate increases at the same level as Manchester. Salford is a City and they are within its boundaries and so are false advertising to gain status and prestige. If you are not proud to declare you are part of this City then you should not benefit from its lower taxes. 13. I left this until point 13 as it is unlucky for some, fortunately it is only unlucky for our councillors and those parasites who inhabit the halls of power. Councillors pay should be cut as should any perks, the current system needs to be revised and cuts need to start from the top. Any pay increases need to be sanctioned by the electorate and if they are worth the increase the public will say so. Like I said some of them are open for change and possibly not feasible but this is just a small part of what I personally think is needed to be done at this moment in time as far as I can see. I am sure others out there will have suggestions to add as well as criticisms of my own and this is the wonderful thing about discussing things like this. If people work together and talk openly about what is needed then compromises can be made and plans can be revised to best fit what is actually needed.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 19:31:54 +0000

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