FROM KEVIN ANNETT ;-) Dear friends, Please print off the attached - TopicsExpress


FROM KEVIN ANNETT ;-) Dear friends, Please print off the attached 2 page stamped document from the Common Law Court in Brussels and read and post it this Easter Sunday and afterwards at your local catholic churches. This is being done in Rome and dozens of sites around the world, in thirteen languages. And please film your action and post it on youtube. Thank you and welcome to a new world! A GLOBAL EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION MADE UNDER THE LAW OF GOD AND MAN Invoking the Legal and Spiritual Disestablishment of the Church of Rome and its adjunct bodies, the Vatican and the “Holy See” AND Issued as a Binding De Jure Annulment and Emancipation Order by The International Common Law Court of Justice and The Covenant of Free Congregational Christians on Easter Sunday the 20th Day of April in the year 2014 TO BE PUBLICLY PROCLAIMED AND ENACTED Let it Be Known and made effect by all men and women, persons and authorities that under the Supreme Law of God as embodied in the Common Law of Nature and Natural Right, as of this day, the institution and entity of the Church of Rome, its officers, clergy, adjunct and derivative bodies and corporate entirety, is now and forever abolished and disestablished as a corporate and a spiritual body. All people and powers formerly under its authority and influence and owing it allegiance are now and forever emancipated and freed from such obligatory servitude. Having violated and waged unrelenting war on God and humanity through its history of crime, murder, apostasy, child sacrifice and idolatry, and thereby repudiated its covenanted requirement of duty to uphold the honor of Heaven and Earth, and the life and dignity of mankind, the Church of Rome has nullified its basis for existence and brought upon itself the status of a renegade transnational criminal organization in the eyes of God and man, and under the laws of both heaven and earth. The ultimate authority of God as expressed in De Jure common law courts of judgment and in congregations of just, truthful men and women does therefore nullify the existence of the Church of Rome, the alleged “Apostolic Succession”, and its so-called “Canon Law”. Therefore, as of this day, all such law, statutes, and all church offices and officials are declared to be forever abolished and possessing no effect or binding authority in heaven or on earth. All Church of Rome officials and agents, commencing with Jorge Bergoglio, so-called Pontiff of the Church of Rome, every Cardinal of the Roman Curia, the heads of the Vatican Bank and Adolfo Pachon, chief “Superior” of the Jesuit Order, are hereby ordered to immediately stand down from and relinquish their offices. The wealth, property and movable assets of the Church of Rome are hereby forfeited and declared to be under the common ownership of the People of the world, and may be peacefully seized and occupied by them. Every member, employee and adherent of the Roman Catholic Church is hereby released from all of their vows, allegiance and obligations to the Church of Rome, and are freed to gather and worship in whatever congregational form that God and their conscience compels, separate from the disestablished Roman church. The sheriffs and peace officers of lawful common law courts, assisted by the free people of the world, are henceforth authorized and encouraged to enact and enforce this Annulment and Emancipation Proclamation wherever possible, under the supreme and sovereign authority of God and the Law of Nations. The people of God who have been lost and held in bondage within the spiritual captivity of the false church of Rome are now free to assemble in covenanted congregations which stand solely under the law of God and recognizing no other legitimate authority, for the establishment of Gods kingdom on earth. The long night of spiritual tyranny and Vatican crime is over. Let the free people of the Earth and all true servants of God and Christ cleanse their lands of the Lie and the Murder formerly enthroned in Rome. Proclaimed and enacted as on this Resurrection Sunday by The International Common Law Court of Justice with the collaboration of the The Covenant of Free Congregational Christians (The Covenanters) This Proclamation is accompanied by a third and final exorcism and spiritual reclamation ceremony in Rome and throughout the world, on this Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 In Coram Deo: Invoked in Gods presence - As God wills it, it is accomplished A Lawful and Binding Act made under the Divine and Common Law. The power to bind and free now resides in God alone and through Gods free, covenanted people. iclcj , itccscentral@gmail -- See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at hiddennolonger and at the websites of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at . An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at: The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: https://youtube/watch?v=UvhfXAd08TE - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. https://youtube/watch?v=OPKFk_L7y9g - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. https://youtube/watch?v=ormOIlOi4Vc - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. https://youtube/watch?v=IylfBxm3sMg - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 19:04:04 +0000

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