~*~ FULL MOON in AQUARIUS at 28deg11 ~*~ 21-August-2013 – - TopicsExpress


~*~ FULL MOON in AQUARIUS at 28deg11 ~*~ 21-August-2013 – 1.45pm – Wellington, New Zealand 21-August-2013 – 11.45am – Sydney, OZ. 21-August-2013 – 2.45am – London, UK 20-August-2013 – 9.45pm – New York, USA Where Do I Fit In? And so we usher in our second consecutive Full Moon in Aquarius, otherwise known as a Blue Moon. And you have to love that, don’t you? A Unique Blue Moon in the Sign that does Unique best. Full Moons herald illumination, culmination points, closure. But hang on. Didn’t we already have our illumination, culmination points, closure in Aquarius a month ago? Well yes, we did. But it’s almost as if we are being asked to sit *the test* again. Or maybe we’re being given a nice lesson in re-inforcement. However you look at it, the Cosmos has an Agenda to keep and a Message to deliver – a unique, soul-felt message for each of us – and like that electricity reminder bill we sometimes get, the one we’ve sworn we’ve paid only to discover that no, actually we didn’t, this Cosmic Reminder should definitely have our attention now. So what’s it about? Well, what is anything in Aquarius about, really? Last month we discussed being different, honouring our unique styles, dancing to our own tune. And those themes will apply again this time around. But today we may also be questioning – a little more forcefully than a month ago – Where Do I Fit In? So many facets to that question. On the face of it, an age old Aquarian question – because Aquarius Is Different. Aquarius Does Different. Aquarius does different like no other sign. But there’s also the drill down – the Moon in Aquarius vs the Sun in Leo. The Centralized *I* vs the Soul’s need for a network, a neighbourhood, a fit into a wider community. And so the big shining light prods Where Do I Fit In? Or does it? Because if that was the question prompted courtesy of the first Aquarius Full Moon, then it stands to reason that this lunation is actually shining a big answer down. An AHA moment. Perhaps a reassurance. That it’s OK NOT to *fit in*. To do what you do and be what you are without question. Or better yet, I fit in exactly where I need to. And that’s certainly possible with a Full Moon in the third decan of Aquarius, a decan which is chock full of Aquarian message and knowledge. Another major difference to this lunation lies with the rulers, whether we look at the traditional ruler, SATURN, or the modern ruler, URANUS. Last time around, Saturn formed a T-square to the Aquarius Full Moon – so, like the Great Wall that he sometimes is, you may have found accessing your uniqueness too hard. You tried different but it tasted funny. You danced but it was like Elaine from an episode of Seinfeld. His job at blocking was too good. Well, that blockage has been removed. And while still ruling, Saturn is in a better mood, and not directly involved, by aspect at least, in this Blue Moon. Uranus, on the other hand, is involved in a most interesting manner. Retrograde at 12 Aries, Uranus is not involved directly by aspect either – but he is square JUPITER almost exactly. And of course Jupiter is sitting in Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon, who is Full & Blue. It’s almost like those cartoons of the TV box inside the TV box inside the TV box … but this Jupiter/Uranus square, with Uranus ruling the Blue Moon suggests big, big shifts are possible. Perhaps uncomfortable, but definitely possible. And finally, we have MERCURY conjunct the Sun and therefore opposing this Full Moon within 4 degrees. Technically a little wide as far as Full Moon orbs go – but it’s an applying aspect and Mercury is moving fast. So there’s a challenge to thinking – or perhaps a challenge to think more independently, to trying something differently, to embrace Genius. Most affected are AQUARIANS and those of us with planets/angles/chart points 25degrees through to the end of Aquarius. Also in the high beam glare of this Full Moon are those same degrees of the other Fixed Signs – Leo, Scorpio and Taurus – while planets/angles/chart points at 27-29 degrees of fellow Air signs Libra and Gemini, and complimentary signs Sagittarius and Aries will be feeling the effects of this Blue Moon to the max. Personally, I feel like I have the Universe screaming at me to do something differently, to honour my uniqueness, to dance my dance. My Solar Return chart has Aquarius as its ruler – and my Progressed Moon, which is currently in a Progressed Full Moon phase, is sitting at 29deg Aquarius. It’s like this Full Moon is coming along to bump my Progressed Moon into Pisces with a bang. And my craving for *something different* feels almost insatiable right now. So Where Do You Fit In? You fit in exactly where you’re supposed to. And if that fit doesn’t feel quite right at the moment, then I suspect this Full Moon, particularly with the Uranus/Jupiter component, could be a proponent for change as you try on a different Cosmic Shoe size. Because under this lunation, One Size definitely doesn’t fit all. Happy Full Moon in Aquarius, Sparklers. Happy Blue Moon.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 03:10:03 +0000

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