FWIW, I started doing better online when I stopped doing something - TopicsExpress


FWIW, I started doing better online when I stopped doing something else... Thinking so damn much! Im just another seriously flawed work in progress. Im not special. Im maybe a little smarter than most, but big whoop. I know plenty of people of average intelligence (some even downright dumb) who kick ass. We all do. In fact, I side with Dostoevsky on intelligence. He basically said that the man of action was much better suited for this world than the man of thought. You can be both, of course, but I think he was right in suggesting that its exceedingly rare. Brains get in the way at least as often as they help. I think thats especially true when youre your own boss. Theres no one to give you orders so you can turn your mind off and just act. Anyway, I made a conscious effort a few years ago to tell my cautious, overly analytical side to STFU and get out of the way. You know what it reminds me of? See if you dont remember this, too... Remember in school when you took a multiple-choice test and your teacher would go over the answers when he/she handed back the tests after grading them? Id sit there in agony because 9 times out of 10, if I got an answer wrong it was because I second-guessed my immediate thought before answering it. Almost always, your first gut instinct is right. It took me a while, but Ive successfully incorporated that lesson into my online business (mostly). I think it comes down to 2 things: 1. Recognizing when it happens and ignoring that part of your mind that wants to look at everything under a microscope before approving an action. 2. Learning to trust your instincts. If a new idea excites you in that ah ha moment, ride it! Dont fight it. Dont punch holes in it. That excitement you feel before your mind can strangle it is a big freaking bullhorn screaming at you that you just had a great idea that needs action. Im convinced that many would-be marketers live in a perpetual state of limbo... they come up with great ideas but then relinquish control to that sober autocrat inside their heads that shoots down good ideas and saps both enthusiasm and confidence. I dont know. Im not trying to go all Tony Robbins on anyone here. But so much of what we do (or try to do) comes down to converting ideas into something tangible you can sell. It really isnt any more complicated than that... UNTIL we make it so.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:10:16 +0000

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