FYI, PLEASE, it is Monday, October 20, 2014. Fascinating and - TopicsExpress


FYI, PLEASE, it is Monday, October 20, 2014. Fascinating and Interesting as from the Capital city California, the Golden State, Sacramento. Still REMEMBER as lived there in the Year of 1995 starting in January 1995. Was then Achieving in BURTH NAME of given when born Alive on Tuesday, January 30, 1968, ten days after the due date she was given of Saturday, January 20, 1968. Still Freely Think that the Republican Political Strategy for the Midterm Election being held Tuesday, November 2014, is to have the Non Republican Political Challenger be seen as our current 2nd term 45th President of the United States of America and as a result our Commander-in-chief Mr. Obama, Barack Hussein, MBA a man of the Democratic Political Ideology who successfully ACHIEVE Affordable Health Care for ALL regardless of the, in opinion, IGNORANCE of the attempt to be known as Obamacare or the ACA. Is this so some folks REMAIN CONFUSED that as TOLD NOT TO LIKE Obamacare which there us NO SUCH LAW. Isnt Kynect, the great state of Kentuckys REQUIRED ACA, Affordable Health Care Offering aka Political Game play nomenclature of the STATE? Isnt there many issues in the great states considered red which means Republican Political Ideology of cutting taxes which are the Revenues and sanctioning that Corporation are People TOO? Huh? I am CONFUSED as FOR REAL some folks can no longer Freely Think? Can You Freely Think? The GOPs Grand Old Party) Political Game Strategy is to have folks choose to vote as a Referendum which simply means in concert with the Political Poles that are algorithms, mathematical equations which point to low Political Poles of the man who isnt even on the Ballot REGARDLESS of the CONSTANT ATTEMPT to have association BE MADE. Did you know this as you are not suppose to Freely Think? I KNOW HOW I am voting here in my proper polling stating as DISCOVERED my votes were not counted as voted in the WRONG POLLING Station according to what the New York State Voting system HAS RECORDED IN IT. Fortunately, I DID NOT ASSUME that I was Registered as confused that I having to cast my vote via an Affidavit as my name was not in the Voter manuals. Is this PERSONAL as SURELY FEELS PERSON. Again, successfully completed the professional school of Law? Thought it was rather Easy although FACED A LOT OF WIERDNESS whilst in ATTENDANCE. It ALL MAKES SENSE as the STRATEGY was to SLOW MYSELF DOWN and have myself veer off my CHOSEN PATH of becoming a Doctor charged with helping other Homo sapiens take care of themselves. As still REMEMBER SHARING that my path was not direct but I did Achieve knowledge that only HELPS in my SERVICE. Understand? Choice thank you Self speaking on behalf of US, Self & Jesus (Honorary Doctor & Honoary Lawyer as shouldnt NEED to SHARE what should be so Obvious)
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 11:14:24 +0000

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