Face 2 Face With D God Of Miracles DLCF Seminar 1 TURNING TRIALS - TopicsExpress


Face 2 Face With D God Of Miracles DLCF Seminar 1 TURNING TRIALS AND STORMS TO TESTIMONY BY LOOKING UNTO JESUS James 1: 2-4; John16:33, Hebrews 12:2-4 The Christian life is a race which must be run with determination. The journey is often punctuated with trials and storms. Precious metals are always subjected to tests to reveal how genuine they are. In the same vein, the trials and storms we go through in life are meant to reveal the level of our conviction and steadfastness in the Lord. Trials and storms are not meant to bend but to build a believer. They are designed to accomplish the following purposes in our lives: a) To strengthen our faith b) To lead us to fervent prayer c) To prove our love to God d) To enhance greater commitment to the Lord e) To perfect whatever may be lacking in our lives. In a nutshell, trials and storms are stepping stones to believers’ victory. It is test that produces testimony. It is cheering that Jesus has assured us of his support and our triumph eventually. All we need to do is to focus our attention on him (Hebrews 12:2, 3). 1. CERTAINTY OF TRIALS AND STORMS John 16:33; 2Timothy 3:12-14; Acts 14:21,22; James 1: 2-4 The scripture reveals that trials, persecutions and storms are certain for true believers. They come to people at different times to test their faith. As James put it, there are diverse trials and storms that believers normally pass through (James 1: 2-4). However, we need to understand that trials and storms are not troubles we manufacture ourselves through sin or carelessness or negligence. They come from external sources. i. They originate from Satan. ii. They also come from the evil system of the world. iii. Trials and storms also come as a result of human corruption and depravity. The society is full of corruption and once you refuse to compromise, they want to put you in trouble. Trials and storms should not be seen as strange and unusual thing (I Peter 4:12, 13). They are part of our calling. A believer who does not experience persecutions, oppositions and trials, but always loved by all and sundry should examine his life. Such people are called nice guys or social Christians in the campus. The truth is that they are compromising (Luke 6:26). 2. CATALOGUE OF SAINTS THAT FACED TRIALS AND STORMS I Corinthians. 10:13; Daniel. 3:10-17; 6: 1-22; Genesis. 39:21; Esther 8:1-10; Luke 1: 5-7; Acts 20:22-24. The bible provided us with names of saints that faced trials and storms at various times. They remained steadfast as they passed through these storms which eventually turn to testimonies. Their resolute stand and unwavering faith are worthy of emulation. a) Joseph (Genesis 39:20, 21:41:37-42). He was thrown into prison because he said no to sin. Eventually he was lifted from prison to the palace. b) Daniel (Daniel 6: 1-22). The princes conspired against Daniel and he was thrown into the lion’s den. He was not hurt by the lions and his life became a testimony. c) Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3:10-17, 26-30). They refused to compromise and bow to the king’s idol. They were thrown into a fiery furnace but came out unhurt. Nebuchadnezzar himself gave testimony of their victory. d) Mordecai (Esther 7:3-6, 8:1-10). He refused to bow to Hamman and this led to a threat to wipe out all the Jews. With prayer and cooperation of Esther, they overcame and Mordecai was promoted. e) Elizabeth and Zechariah (Luke 1:5-7, 23-25). They were faced with trial of barrenness for many years but they remained faithful and steadfast. At last, the birth of John the Baptist became their testimony f) Paul the Apostle faced several trials and storms but he triumphed over them (Acts 20:22-24; 2 Corinthians 11:23-31). 3. CONDITIONS FOR TURNING TRIALS AND STORM TO TESTIMONY James 1: 2-4, Luke 6:22, 23; I Peter 3:14; 4:12-19; I Corinthians. 10:13; Hebrews 12:2-4. Trials and storms are not meant to destroy but to toughen our spiritual muscles. However, we must maintain a positive attitude with love, peace, joy and faith during trials and storms. Though it is the purpose and plan of God for every believer to overcome trials, the believer will do well to observe the following conditions for overcoming life’s trials and storms. i. Abiding in Christ and seriously following the word of God (John 15: 4-7) ii. Focusing attention on Jesus (Hebrews 12: 2-3, Mathew 14:27-31) iii. Prayerfulness (Luke 22: 39-43; 18: 1; I Thessalonians. 5:17) iv. Commitment to the Love of God (Romans 8:35-39) v. Confidence in God ( 2 Corinthians 1: 8-10) vi. Magnifying the grace of God more than the trials (2Corinthians 12:7-10) God that helped the saints of old to overcome is still alive and He will see you through. Your trials will also become a testimony! Face 2 Face With D God Of Miracles DLCF Seminar 2 OVERCOMING STORMS THROUGH ABSOLUTE FAITH IN GOD 1John 5:4, 5; Mark.4:35-41; Romans.8:31; Hebrews.11:32-40 Life which is ‘Living In-spite of Foes or Enemies’ is indeed full of challenges. Therefore, there is need for the Christian to brace up and face whatever storm that would come his/her way. No one ever lives without having one storm(s) or the other. But the good thing about storms of life is that “all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose”. 1. Christian And The Certainty Of Storms In Life. Mark.4:35-41; Romans.8:31-39; 1Peter.4:19; Hebrews.4:15, 2:18; 2Chronicles.20:1,2 Storms of life are the common denominators in human living and interaction. Storms of life are real. These storms can strike anyone, anywhere and at anytime without advance warning. Storms come in many ways viz: sickness, tragedy, repeated failure, death or bereavement, discouragement, disappointments, financial crises, etc. The following are some storms vital salient characteristics that we should take serious note of: i. Storms are Inevitable – we cannot avoid them. As we journey through life, we will eventually encounter storms. And it seems like they come at the most inopportune and inconvenient times. ii. Storms can happen even to those closest to the Lord. Who was in the boat? The 12 disciples, those who were closest to Jesus. In fact, there were other boats following Jesus and the disciples and they too got caught in the storm. Followers of Jesus are not immune to storms. iii. Storms can also come on our pathway of obedience to God. Jesus said ‘Let us cross over to the other side’. And because they obeyed Him, they ended up in a storm! This storm came as they were right n the middle of the Lord’s will. iv. Storms can be life-threatening. The storm was so massive, the wind so strong, the waves so high that the boat was about to sink! And everyone aboard was at risk of drowning! Your storm might be cancer or some other challenges e.g. illness, academic failure, failure in business, marital problems, or it can be financial debt that threatens to sink you. v. Storms can cause us to doubt. They doubted His care and control. And they questioned His Word – He said they were going to cross OVER, not go under! Haven’t we cried out to God in the midst of our storms? – ‘where are You?’ Don’t you love me anymore? ‘Don’t you care?’ doubt fill our hearts. 2. Christ Call For Absolute Faith In Weathering Storms Of Life Mark11:20-24, 4:35-41, Luke.10:19; Isaiah 43:2,3; 40:28-31; Proverbs.3:5-7; Matthew.17:20. When strong winds blow in our lives, we must not run from them lest we fall through the cracks of life. We must catch the strong winds as they blow and soar on the winds of prayer and absolute faith in God. Once one realizes that he/she cannot escape the storms of life, he/she can use storms to activate his/her faith. We get into the fold of Christ by faith and by it we live and survive the heat of all. It is faith that activates the other weapon during the battles and warfare’s of life. Also the need to pray cannot be overemphasize, but prayer without faith does no one any good. Hebrews.11:6. Absolute faith that overcomes all storms of life is characterized by the following conditions or qualities. A pure conscience (1Timothy.1:19) Obedience (Deueronmy.7:11,12,24) Prayerfulness (Matthew.26:41; Luke.22:40,46) Fasting (Matthew.17:19-21; Isaiah 40:28-31) Consecration (2Timothy.2:4) No compromise (Joshua 23:10-13) Perseverance in battles until all foes are vanquished (2Kings 13:15-19) Wisdom and tact (Ecclesiastes.9:16,18) 3. Catalogue Of Conquerors Of Storm Of Life Hebrews.11:1-3, 32-40; Psalms.107:23, 24, 29) A believer needs not to fear storms of life because Jesus has already overcome for us. In the world Jesus says we would have great tribulation, but we should be of good cheers. Therefore, our absolute faith in God cannot be over emphasize. By faith all things are possible to every believer. The catalogue of the heroes of faith in Hebrew is there for us to learn from and also utilize the same faith to overcome whatever storm we may face. Contemporary saints like their counterparts in scripture ought to develop from “ye of little faith” to men of great faith and absolute faith. And for this to happen, one must: a. Consistently feed on God’s word through constant devotional life (Psalms.1:1-3; Joshua 1:5-8). b. Consistently fellowship with God’s children (Psalms.133:1-3), iron of course sharpens iron. c. Consistently read sound Christian literatures like Daniel of old. This will helps us to know how other saints won their victories over storms and battles. (Daniel.9:2). We, therefore, need to develop our faith to make for potency and victories in every battle, be it temptation, persecutions, trials, financial crises, ill health or academic challenges, etc. Face 2 Face With D God Of Miracles DLCF Seminar 3 PATHWAY TO BEHOLDING AND REFLECTING THE INVISIBLE GOD Our God is eternal, invisible and awesome. It takes divine revelation to know Him. But thanks be to God that He reveals Himself to us through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Hebrews 1: 2-3 tells us about Jesus Christ the express image of God. The pathway to beholding (knowing) this invisible God is still through the Son (John14:6). Whatever may be the entire need of man in this world and in eternity, such needs shall be gotten through the way revealed unto us in the Saviour and the scriptures. 1. Perfect Salvation Provided By The Invisible God Acts 4: 12, Colossians 1: 15-20. The only pathway of beholding the invisible God is Jesus. The revelation of Jesus Christ is awesome and sufficient for any generation to be saved and obtain redemption from stolen substances by Satan. Faith in this wonderful accomplished redemption will bring man to fellowshipping, beholding and abiding in His presence. In this revelation, we have perfect salvation by the invisible God. Acts 13: 39; 9 1-6. The account and experience of Paul with the invisible God (Jesus) shows that perfect salvation can only be gotten through Jesus. Although, Saul was a doctor of the Law, a great academician and philosopher, a notable religious leader yet great accomplishment could not save neither was it sufficient for him to be saved. Students, educational administrators, professors and all individual need to come to the cross repent and receive salvation from the Saviour (Matthew 11: 28, Hebrew 7: 25). John 3:16 clearly declare the love of God for all who believe (faith) on the Lamb of God, reflect on his death and resurrection and trust Him for their salvation. 2. Perpetual Sustenance Through Scriptural Meditation And Faith In The Invisible God. Exodus 3: 1-7, Hebrew 12: 2, Joshua 1: 8. Moses looked, beheld and reflected on the invisible God .Moses fulfilled the condition of God’s sustenance by reflected on the scene created by the invisible. The admonition of looking unto Jesus- persistent, perpetual looking unto Jesus with the inner eyes of faith will earn us life and eternal sustenance. Hence, the Law of God-the Holy Scriptures is the only visible channel of beholding and reflecting on the invisible. It was admonished that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God…..that the man of God may be perfect….. Moses and Joshua did not play with the commandment of the Lord. So, last days believers should earnestly rely on, reflect on and rededicate their life to the Word and Christ. The true likeness of God can be experienced when we consistently, persistently and personally ponder on the greatness of the invisible. It is just like the brightness the moon gets from the sun. Our Saviour is the brightness of the invisible God. Hebrew 1: 3. The sun through its brightness supplies sustenance to all the living creature so also the Son of God supplies life to all who come to Him. Departure from beholding and reflecting on the invisible God will create separation and eternal damnation. 3. Permanent Solution For Prayerful Seekers Of The Invisible God. Genesis 32: 24-30. Although, God is invisible but people who prayerfully seek Him will find Him visible through solution provided in JESUS and signs and wonders in His name. Men and women having perennial problems facing them from time to time can only get permanent solution is Christ. Jacob overtime was beclouded by oppression, opposition and servitude under his distance cousin and he envisaged incoming attack from his immediate brother Esau. Thank God he resolved to face God face to face and the permanent solution appeared unto Him through prayers. Hebrews 2: 3 tells us “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken to us by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him.” This is time to face Jesus squarely and obtain solution to earthly and eternal challenges facing us. Permanent solution is available for prayerful seeker of the invisible God. It is now your turn to seek God. Miraculous and wonderful reward await those that seek God. 1chronicles 16: 11; Psalms 105: 4; 24: 6; 2 chronicles 7: 14.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 20:46:09 +0000

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