Face To Faith Day 81 of 366 If you knew nothing about God, our - TopicsExpress


Face To Faith Day 81 of 366 If you knew nothing about God, our verses today just might be the best place to start. In these verses, we learn that God is merciful, gracious, patient, abounding in goodness and truth, faithful, keeping mercy for thousands of generations. He is forgiving of iniquity and transgression and sin. Now, this is not some blanket statement that God is making here to say that He’s forgiv- ing. Actually, iniquity, transgression, and sin are three separate things, and God forgives all of them. Iniquity, in the Hebrew, is literally the word avon, which means perversities or depravities. I always think that’s absolutely hilarious. I grew up in a culture where every once in a while the doorbell would ring and there she would be. The Avon lady. Yet avon literally in the Hebrew means iniquity. Oh, that’s great. But isn’t that quite interesting that oftentimes we will manufacture things to cover the stench and mess that we’ve made? Man thinks he is able to cover up his perversity and deprav- ity with some sweet-smelling fragrance of a candle or cologne, but God says it can only truly be taken away by His forgiveness. Secondly, transgression in the Hebrew is the word pasha, which means rebellion. Moses certainly could relate with that, considering all Israel had done. They’ve been complaining since the get-go. We’ve parted the Red Sea. We’ve seen the manna fall. We’ve seen God provide quail every night. But it was still never enough; this rebellious, stiff-necked people continued to transgress. And the only cure—the only cure for a pasha heart, a heart that continues to trespass when it’s been clearly posted, “No trespassing”—is the forgiveness of God. Thirdly, who forgives us of our sin, the word chattah in Hebrew. It means the punish- ment for our rebellion, perversity, and depravity. And we know that all sin certainly does have punishment, right? Listen, if sin requires punishment, then what’s our only way out? It’s God’s forgiveness. We need Him to forgive our iniquity, transgressions, and sin, taking hold through repentance and faith His attributes of mercy, grace, goodness, and love. Have you turned to God for forgiveness yet? Prayer Lord God, Thank You for being rich in mercy and grace for me today! I’m sorry for the wrong things in my life and I ask You to forgive me for them today. Please come into my life and make me a new person in You today! Amen Exodus 34:6-7 Exodus 34:6-7 MSG 4-7 So Moses cut two tablets of stone just like the originals. He got up early in the morning and climbed Mount Sinai as God had commanded him, carrying the two tablets of stone. God descended in the cloud and took up his position there beside him and called out the name, God . God passed in front of him and called out, “ God , God , a God of mercy and grace, endlessly patient—so much love, so deeply true—loyal in love for a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin. Still, he doesn’t ignore sin. He holds sons and grandsons responsible for a father’s sins to the third and even fourth generation.”
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:47:07 +0000

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