Facebook, 1246 Wed December 4, 2013 -pm - TopicsExpress


Facebook, 1246 Wed December 4, 2013 -pm getting-even-steven-^ ? Have we ever put a -pm- in prison, do we impeach them first, then put them in prison I’m dying to tell you about what michael leblanc did, so I will, prior to the many faux pas, shams, crooked con ns gov’t stuff -bearing in mind, this last fiasco, proved the con mob is federal, all over canada, and worldwide - as per their cgi global company, that slipped into power because the world has a -hopefully had- picture of an honest canada. I wanna get you in the mood, and to understand how bold the cons’ con jewish israel mob is, and was, so that you may understand all the ramifications of how serious this is, and just like their stupid bold letter to me, they thought they could get away with being in said mob, after all the -pm harpee did nothing to stop them, after all con premier of nova scotia ham, did nothing to stop them, and neither were the rcmp around, when I went to cgi to serve them either. ? Did the -pm harpee order his rcmp to stay clear, and to stand down? After filing my mega million dollar lawsuit, written up and filed by myself, on April 8, 2011, I was given my copies to serve them, once served, I’ll file an Affidavit of Service, witch I did for all I served-but/butt, I was not able to serve them all before leaving for Florida, to enjoy the sunshine, as per my doctors’ ordered. E.g. I couldn’t find harold miller; I only found, after searching the Amherst area, out in the back woods, Mr. Harold Miller, that worked for the Dept of Transportation, Truro area., but I wasted a lot of time & money, e.g. gas, to find him, but still I pursued the search for harold miller of the infamous marsh adjustment bureau-resulting in more time, and more costs to me. So, I flew back to Florida with approx. 60 or so copies to serve, and to place with the Affidavit of Service, once served. My drive back to nova scotia, at the end of May was via Toronto, On Canada, to get michael leblanc first, then the infamous self regulating insurance industry’s insurance bureau of canada, and their equally infamous insurance adjustments association of canada. I was up very early, to be at fct, aka first canadian title insurance as their employees entered to begin their day of crooked insurance dealings, hoping I’d catch michael leblanc. I waited a long time, still no michael leblanc, but I did get michael leblanc’s message, and the message from the first canadian title insurance company, fct, and it was a doozie! True to form, being bold, a man came out of the building, facing my van, and got a black bag out of his car, raised it several times, then placed it in the back seat. His message, I’m mob, we’re mob, go away, you can’t do anything to us. So, in the light of day, the message was a bold, resounding we are the con jewish israel control insurance racket, etc. mob, so piss off! Well that didn’t work for me. After all, I had gone to the Italian MOB, to ensure my safety from them, knowing they were conservative mob from nova scotia, and then, bye that time, they were the conservative jewish israel controlled insurance racket, etc mob, worldwide |that is why I sued cgi, and a few days later, after serving dominion of canada insurance co., the insurance bureau of canada, the adjusters association of canada, I went to Montreal, Quebec, to get cgi. |note: micheal wanted a meeting to chat, but by this time, it was too late to chat, I was going to proceed, as I wanted, witch was to go for/4 the full blown courthouse deal-meaning NO DEALS. So michael would not accept service, so I had to pay $350 to an Italian process server to get him served-witch he did serve michael leblanc, and I followed it up with an Affidavit of Service, for serving michael leblanc, and for the rest of them that I got in Toronto area. Also, I filed my Affidavit of Service, for serving cgi in Montreal, at their world headquarters. Now for a coffee . . . {Today it’s: Chock full o Nuts, HA! } |note: not being able to serve all of the culprits, I was therefore, not able to file all of the Affidavit of Services, as required by law, for the law, for the lawsuit to proceed - due process.|122 -pm getting-even-Steven-^ ^ that black bag message, was just as bold a message, as the infamous LEGAL letter of November 14, 2001, I found years later - see my website, because they had full reign of canada, and because they could do it, and thus, they did it, 124 -pm| Later, too late, I learned the conservative jewish israel controlled mob, also had the conservative-ndp within their membership, those being the same ones, that allowed my filed court case, without all my Affidavit of Services filed because I couldn’t find them all- to proceed without me, based on the request of dominion of canada insurance co. daaaa! So, I was believed, my website won over many Nova Scotians, and thus, the Liberal Party won the election, and a new Premier of Nova Scotia formed his government on November 13, 2013 The conservative-ndp jewish israel mob, also allowed, without my knowledge or my permission, to move the venue of the hearing, from the supreme court of amherst, ns to the supreme court of halifax, nova scotia, much to my chagrin. Also bear in mind, the supreme court should also have been sued by me, witch I realize now, thus their cooperation with dominion of canada insurance co. in allowing them to get away with murder^, and bye/by/bi/buy, ignoring the fact, that the required documents of all of my Affidavit of Services for all the defendants, witch I was suing, had NOT BEEN FILED IN AMHERST, DUE TO THE FACT, THAT I COULD NOT FIND SOME OF THEM, SUCH AS: 1. Harold miller, of marsh adjustments 2. Nicole the lawyer that worked for the con mob to cover michael leblanc, george clarke, and boyne clarke’s ass, over the deliberate expiration of lawsuit #1, filed on my behalf, against only dominion of canada insurance co. -I say only, because my orders were clear to my xlawyers, witch was 2 sue them all, starting with harold miller, Len stevens & marsh adjustment bureau, tony faulkner, sandra faulkner both of macdonald chisholm, and to sue macdonald chisholm insurance brokers, etc. BUT THEY DID NOT DO THAT! Remember, sandra faulkner became the secretary of scott armstrong con mp, con scott the insurance family man that exclaimed to me, blurting out to me, whist I was in his truro office, at my request, “I never sold insurance.”. Well I never asked him that! His response followed, my presentation of the infamous black list & database for all insurance claims tracking, as entered by the claims adjusters, as owned and operated by cgi, world wide, to cheat the public, and as ordered up, by the insurance bureau of canada, thus the name, cgi-ibs on the header. It was such a sham, and they the lawyers and the judges, that the rcmp should have been alerted and called in, with me asking them 2, but instead, the courts of nova scotia, were and did act, in collusion and worked with the insurance racket conspiracy, against me, to save & preserve the john a macdonald history of canada, -john a macdonald, being the conservative jew, that started it all, acting as -pm of canada, in a powerful position to do so, for his dominion of canada insurance co, thus building a powerful corrupt structure, worldwide, for ‘them’ for the conservative conservative-ndp jewish israel controlled mob’s insurance racket, financial markets. 3. The dominion of canada insurance company’s lawyer, the one that boldly swore a statement claiming he did not know a thing about the Lawsuit 1, filed by xlawyers for boyne clarke, on December 28, 2000, yet he spoke to me prior to this, and my last comments to him were: I’ll c you in court. And, I faxed dominion of canada ins. Co, and their jackman of owners, e&L financials of its filing - and on December 29th, 2000- I had expected george clarke & boyne clarke and michael leblanc, to do, as I told them 2, witch was to serve dominion at the front counter, and not wait for the name of their lawyer-witch george had claimed to me, as to his reason for NOT SERVING THE FILED LAWSUIT ONTO dominion of canada insurance co, the night before, my faxes were also, sent on December 29, 2000 from Office Max, Sebring, Florida in the good ol’ USA |and remember now, I told you I also left the documents with my sister Joy to fax them too/2/two/to {leaving her the paperwork before I left for Sebring, Florida, in the good ol’ USA, and getting it back again, when I returned to canada, with the receipt from Staples, for said faxes to them, my third party witch I had fax those December 15, 2000 papers, faxed on December 29th, 2000 from truro, ns} All the while, it was a stall, bye my xlawfirm boyne clarke and michael leblanc and george clarke, in collusion, in conspiracy, with canada’s con jewish israel mob’s insurance racket, witch was started by john a macdonald, -pm- dead now-thank God, and owner and president of dominion of canada insurance co ugh! 4. etc. Sickening ain’t it. Couldn’t this make you puke! Ain’t this the biggest messy lawsuit ya done ever seen in yer life? |I was think’n of the movie, The Searchers, with John Wayne, in his explanation of Indian talk, means to go the other way> Comanche So, ya c, it was just as much to the benefit of the supreme court of nova scotia’s benefit, and for the benefit of dominion of canada insurance co, and the rest of the cohorts, to get my mega million dollar lawsuit, out of their way. Now, don’t ya think we need the power of a KICK ASS LIBERAL PARTY. I do. Remember to vote, LIBERAL. THANKS, AND STAY POSTED. 2 -pm getting-even-Steven-^ This big fiasco changes canada’s history and its presence forever! Don’t feel sorry for them, they hung themselves! Now I want to see some prison time for those jerks! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now, do you think I needed the PROTECTION OF THE ITALIAN MOB MMMMmmmm murder^ The Client First In canada, ya know what that means, HA! Off with her head! murder^ The Client First: In the good ol’ USA, where this company is registered, it means, treat the client with respect, take care of their needs, in case of an oil spill, don’t try to kill the client first, but, hire, forthwith, an environmental company: to act forthwith, WITHOUT the insurance company meddling/over powering/taking short cuts, etc etc etc etc . . . ., to the detriment of the health and well being of the paying client, therefore, to give the client, the services, re: the claim, for witch they have paid for, in other words: don’t backstab, nor cheat the client, etc etc etc. More about The Client First later, and my 6th sense story . . . to be con’t. Thanks to my HERO, MAURO, WITH LOVE, LOVE Eleanor snapvaughaneast/index.php?option=com_sngevents&id%5B%5D=162231
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:49:08 +0000

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