Facebook: 18 ways to increase the efficiency of the - TopicsExpress


Facebook: 18 ways to increase the efficiency of the page Despite the significant commercialization of the social network №1 in the world, paid advertising - not the only way to reach your audience on Facebook. Free ways, which we describe below will help you significantly improve performance page on Facebook. One of the main indicators of the success page to Facebook - Coverage (Reach), ie the number of people who saw the publication of your page for a certain period of time. On his Facebook page, you can find it in the Statistics» (Insights). Coverage page to Facebook, in turn, consists of several components: • Publication of the update on your page - organic coverage; • active subscribers on the page that appears in their lines (comments, Like, Share) - a viral coverage; • The influx of audience from external sources - organic coverage; • Advertising and Paid advertising on Facebook - paid coverage. Proceed directly to the practice: 1. Develop a content strategy The content of the material that you share, is of primary importance, because your subscribers will not do, for example, repost your entries simply because it appeared in the news. Experiment with the topics and format of publications, leaving your content plan what your audience likes most. 2. Find out when your subscribers on the network The best time to share updates - this is where your subscribers online. News Feed on Facebook by default, displays the latest updates, and if you share a record when your subscribers are not online, you run the risk of simply not get to them in the eye. Find out what time subscribers see and react to your entry in Facebook (mark your favorite, do repost, comment) on the page Publications» (Posts) under Statistics» (Insights). 3. Pay attention to the frequency of publications There is not a day when Facebook, nothing happens. This means that you need to share updates at least once a day. given that, as a rule, in the evenings and on weekends Facebook enjoys even more popular than during working hours. 4. Allow fans to publish on your page When Facebook users publish something on your page or mention it, it appears in their news section, which is important for the viral coverage. If you are afraid of spam or inappropriate content publishing - do not worry, you can automatically block messages that contain specific keywords. 5. Conduct contests Contests like Give the name or What one thing VS Something else create a continuous stream of comments, which increases your virality coverage. Awarded to the winners. As a reward, choose something interesting or useful to your fans, which is relevant to the theme of your community and not necessarily expensive. For example, it may be a book or a cute corporate souvenir. 6. Respond to comments People use Facebook, because they want to be heard. In order to maintain and grow the community, need to listen to him and respond to him. On the Facebook page can be customized response to a comment on a chain and respond to a specific user. The user is notified about the response and it will make it back to visit your page, which will help increase the number of visits, thereby developing a community. 7. You mark comments tags Usually people can not be marked tag on Facebook, but if the user leaves a comment to the post, answering, you can mark it tag, then the user is notified that again will make it back to visit your page. 8. Promote and note tags other pages To expand coverage can be found partners with intersecting audience. Mutual promotion works easily: You mentioned partner page in your community, it provides you the same service. 9. Re-publish your best materials In most cases, your publications go to the archives and forgotten in a few days (or even hours) after having been published. So: your content strategy does not necessarily have to consist solely of new publications. High-quality materials and successful over time may again attract the attention of new subscribers and those that have not seen an update for the first time. Choose what in the past has worked best - rating of your records you can see on the page Publications» (Posts) in the Statistics» (Insights). For more information about the recycling of the materials we will tell you in one of the individual materials. 10. Promote your best stuff from previous publications If you are serious about marketing on Facebook, use the paid promotion posts. Budget it can be quite small ($ 1 per day), but it is worth spending on proven materials with high ratings. Investment in the promotion of successful publications are more likely to give rise visits, repost and comment. To do this, select the Enhance publication» (Boost Post) in the lower right corner of your post. 11. Reflect their records Like Box Not everyone knows that the latest update page can be displayed on the side of the site with a Facebook Like Box. Seeing them, the user can easily join in the discussion or mention the record as favorite. To configure Like Box you need to go to the page extension (Plugin Page) and click in the settings Show Blog» (Show Posts). 12. Attach the best publications to new records Many authors and managers of the pages are wondering What else to write about?. Explore materials, like most members, and develop their theme, referring to the existing publications. This will not only increase the depth of your subscribers to display updates, but also allow you to develop a theme of interest to your audience. 13. Ask friends talk about you Do not be afraid to ask friends from the personal circle or related to your business and do repost comments to records on the page. Of course, you can not force them to do it, but among them may well find those who will be easy and fun to share your updates and join in the discussion, again increasing the viral reach. 14. Guest blogging Guest blogging - its free placement of your content outside of your blog to increase coverage. Find potential channels for guest blogging easiest among those who most often refers to your page - you can see them on the page Visits» (Visits) in the Statistics» (Insights). 15. Put your popular images on Pinterest Pinterest - very popular service where you can share images from Facebook, while retaining binding to the URL. That is, if a user clicks on your image in Pinterest, it gets to the page of your recording with this image on Facebook. To do this, we need only to specify the correct link to the recording by clicking on the date of its publication and copying the contents of URL-encoded string in the village opened with a record. 16. Share your updates on Twitter Twitter - an additional source of visits, where the update tape occurs at a different frequency than in Facebook. 1-2 publications in Twitter from your tape to Facebook per day is more than enough to take advantage of both social networks. 17. Use your mailing lists Add a button with a link to your page in Facebook and other social networks to your e-mail newsletter, if you use it. You can also ask your subscribers and attach a link to a page where they can respond and share their thoughts. 18. Strengthen the strategy of analyzing statistics page Take the time to carefully examine the Statistics» (Insights) to your Facebook page for 6 months. Please note which updates the widest coverage, more than the average marks Like, comments and republication. Analyze your success and think about how you could repeat and even surpass it, using collected data in this section. Conclusion: promotion on Facebook The above methods are very simple, but effective to increase the coverage and development of your page. We have tried to describe as many opportunities that will benefit you in using Facebook.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 17:38:35 +0000

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