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Facebook Share on Facebook . Share on your timeline . . So proud of my state for issuing the first collective slap to the asleep masses, however they need to realize the de-construction of this once great nation is not being orchestrated entirely from the White House, although the rampant corruption and collusion (think bail-out 2008, BOA, Goldman Sachs, et al) IS enough to put your jaw on the floor~~ these people are merely being used as pawns in a global chess game by the international bankers. Real supply and demand capitalism has been replaced with crony corporatism and theyre all in bed together, bankers, insurance companies, big pharma (Obamacare) and big oil (Rockefellers) to name a few~~ and this monster has been allowed to grow unchecked for 2 centuries. Example: Our own President Woodrow Wilson provided the passport for Leon Trotsky to return to Russia to crank up the Bolshevik revolution along with financial backing from Joseph Schiff (Kuhn Loeb & Co) and John D. Rockefeller~~ destabilizing nations means more vertical integration of assets by Wall Street BREAKING: Georgia Officially Demands a Convention of the States to Stop Obama capitalisminstitute.org As of today, the state of Georgia is demanding a Convention of the States. Please help and SHARE: .. CancelShare Link Public .. Names... So proud of my state for issuing the first collective slap to the asleep masses, however they need to realize the de-construction of this once great nation is not being orchestrated entirely from the White House, although the rampant corruption and collusion (think bail-out 2008, BOA, Goldman Sachs, et al) IS enough to put your jaw on the floor~~ these people are merely being used as pawns in a global chess game by the international bankers. Real supply and demand capitalism has been replaced with crony corporatism and theyre all in bed together, bankers, insurance companies, big pharma (Obamacare) and big oil (Rockefellers) to name a few~~ and this monster has been allowed to grow unchecked for 2 centuries. Example: Our own President Woodrow Wilson provided the passport for Leon Trotsky to return to Russia to crank up the Bolshevik revolution along with financial backing from Joseph Schiff (Kuhn Loeb & Co) and John D. Rockefeller~~ destabilizing nations means more vertical integration of assets by Wall Street ...
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:03:21 +0000

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