Facebook, day 539...it is interesting if not exciting living here - TopicsExpress


Facebook, day 539...it is interesting if not exciting living here in the theater of seasons...this coming weekend we will potentially set new records for warm weather this time of year...how crazy is that? But nothing should surprise us. Todays post is showing the progress made on the two new paintings. The new tree has been painted out, background tweaked and the start of the moon has begun. Lots of work left, maybe half way there. The new background is now made up of four different blues plus white and has taken on some texture...still no clue as to what the subject will be but it is coming. Todays quote comes from Reinhold Niebuhr, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. This has been one of my favorite prayers since I first heard it 39 years ago and Ive not known who was responsible for it until now...great discovery for me. Have a great day everyone and thank you for your visit.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:51:06 +0000

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