Facebook for Effective Network Marketing by Tim Sales Word of - TopicsExpress


Facebook for Effective Network Marketing by Tim Sales Word of mouth marketing is always the best type of marketing. When you have a strong Facebook presence, you have access to the best kind of word of mouth advertising — friend’s recommendations! Many network marketers struggle with how to find the right balance to use when using Facebook. Greater percentages of network marketers that do not follow the “rules” of social media marketing are not successful. However the smaller percentages of the network marketers who do follow the social media “rules” build successful businesses. So, let’s discuss these “rules:” Build Relationships When you start out using Facebook for marketing set your goal to build long term, mutually beneficial relationships. Your purpose is to provide valuable input to the marketplace and get to know people. Remember Tim’s tip from Brilliant Communicator about showing interest and apply it here. Just pitching your opportunity or product right out of the gate will never work. Take the time to build relationships. If done right, your followers will ask you about your opportunity or product. Use a Good Profile Photo In order to build relationships; you want to use a photograph of yourself that clearly shows your face. If possible, get a professional picture done. If you cannot do that, then make sure you get a well-lit, clear picture of your face to post as your profile picture. If you were using Facebook just to play games and connect with friends and family for personal reasons, then a picture of the kids or the dog may be fine. On the other hand, since you want to convey a professional image and build professional relationships, then it is important to put a picture of your face that portrays you as a person who is friendly and trustworthy. Do not post pictures of yourself with your product. This just conveys you as a pusher. Use Common Sense for Posts Stop and think before you write a post, upload a picture, or invite someone to play a game. If you find that you are posting pictures that would lessen your status as a leader, then you want to remember the goal you set for using Facebook. When you are ready to post to Facebook, remember to ask yourself: Is this something I would want to read or see? If I read this post, would it turn me off to the M.L.M. opportunity? Is there value or helpful information in this post? Does this sound “spammy” or is it too “pitchy”? If you don’t apply common sense, then you are going to push people away. If you are posting game requests to your friends, then you are going to portray a very unprofessional image. Of course we all like the games on Facebook, but use a personal profile for games. Use a different profile for professional marketing purposes. When you use social media for marketing, you need to be selective in building your friend’s list. Be Strategic in Building your Friend’s List Start by looking for groups that are of interest to you and your organization then join them. Decide what your interests are and your niche is. Search out the key players and influencers in those markets and connect with them on Facebook. Just remember, social media is about being social. Use it to engage with others on a professional level and comment on their posts. “Like” and share the dialogue of others. And always remember your genuine desire to help others. Make sure your posts or replies add value or service. Be patient and build relationships. When engaging with Facebook, remember to apply the principles Tim teaches in Professional Inviter and Brilliant Communicator. When you follow the rules, you will have tremendous success! Best Wishes!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 11:53:17 +0000

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