Facebook is still on the attack of conservative pages and the - TopicsExpress


Facebook is still on the attack of conservative pages and the reasons for being banned are reaching ludicrous proportions. misguidedchildren/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/misguided-children.png Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children page was “unpublished” by Facebook for violating its community standards just over six weeks ago. Although they are unable to produce any evidence of what violation was committed they still have refused to republish the page. In our efforts to keep spreading the truth about Obama and his fascist regime, America’s Misguided Children (AMC) was created along with a USMC underground closed group. In the six weeks since its creation, AMC has reached 120,000 Patriots across the nation and is already under attack by Facebook just like its sister page. The Admins of the page have already had their accounts blocked, banned, suspended, and temporarily disabled on multiple occasions for pictures, comments, and posts that did not violate any of Facebook’s community standards, and even for posts that they weren’t responsible for. One such instance was a picture of one of the teenage punks who beat to death an 88-year-old veteran in Spokane, Washington last week. How putting up a picture of a black male who has been arrested for a heinous crime (against one of our own veterans) violates Facebook’s community standards is preposterous. Apparently saying anything negative about a black person is racist no matter what they did. Let us not forget that during the George Zimmerman trial there was a page dedicated to killing George Zimmerman. That is clearly a death threat and it violates Facebook’s standards, and yet it was allowed to stay for a long time. Even though Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges, this type of selective judgment by moderators shows exactly how Facebook stands on issues. The most recent ban came from a comment by our own Shooter who wrote on a thread saying, “Valerie..I guess you’re new here? Please look around to see how we operate. This ain’t about you! –Shooter” This comment resulted in a 12-hour ban for ALL admin. What rule did this statement violate? It might have employed improper grammar maybe, but it is not a threat, racism, or harassment. The double standards coming out of Facebook and attacks on conservative pages are mind-blowing. They must have read the IRS handbook for dealing with people on the right side of the isle. Uncle Sam’s is diligently working on a solution to get us away from Facebook. Its liberal bias and policies are slowing choking free speech and the spread of the truth. As will all things in this world, it is going to take time and money to get everything up and running. Be patient Patriots, Facebook’s days are numbered. We are in this fight for the long haul, and we will overcome any obstacle thrown in our way.misguidedchildren/
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 12:47:03 +0000

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