Facebook users beware: A Trojan horse nicknamed Zeus or Zbot is - TopicsExpress


Facebook users beware: A Trojan horse nicknamed Zeus or Zbot is after your money. The malware, which was first spotted in 2007, has reappeared, this time on Facebook, in the form of links to interesting ads or Facebook pages. Once one of the phishing links is clicked on, the Trojan invades the user’s computer and remains hidden until the user accesses his or her bank account. This is when Zeus takes action, stealing passwords and other necessary information to access and empty the account of all funds. According to a New York Times report, the Trojan can even replace the banking page with its own to glean additional information, such as users’ Social Security numbers. Security firm TrendLabs said old malware schemes like Zeus often make a comeback because they allow cyber-criminals to make an easy profit. “Peddling stolen banking and other personal information from users is a lucrative business in the underground market,” TrendLabs said in its Security Intelligence blog. “Plus, these crooks can use your login credentials to initiate transactions in your account without your consent. Thus, it is important to be careful in opening e-mail messages or clicking links. Bookmark trusted sites and avoid visiting unknown ones. Always keep your system up-to-date with the latest security releases from security vendors and install trusted antimalware protection.”
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:24:33 +0000

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